Page 74 of Fable Killer

The words resounded through her like a sledgehammer. There was so much pain in them, pain she felt even as she continued to remain cocooned in this warm, safe place.

Another rush of warmth filled her body only this time it was accompanied by a rush of strength.

Grace drew in a ragged breath, her eyes opened, and she found herself back in the darkness. Only this time it felt different. The peace was still there.

“Hey, baby, welcome back.” Hands covered her cheeks, fingers caressing gently, infusing warmth with every stroke. Then there were lips, first they touched her forehead, and then they whispered across her lips in the gentlest of kisses.

There was no doubt in her mind who was holding her in their arms, who was touching her with such tender love, kissing her as though she were the oxygen they needed to live.

It was Matthew.

Somehow, he had found her, and somehow, she was still alive when he did, although she had a feeling it was only because of Matthew that she was currently sitting here in his lap, breathing.

“Matthew,” she murmured, her voice was nothing but a soft rasp, and the word felt torn from her raw throat. She’d screamed so long and so hard when she first realized the hopelessness and horror of her situation that she’d made herself hoarse.

“Shh, baby, don’t talk right now, just rest. Aww, baby, I almost lost you.”

She felt him shift her, hold her closer, tighter, and there was no way she was complaining. This was exactly where she wanted to be.

It was where she had been so sure she would never get to be again.

“I was so scared,” she whispered. Tears welled in her eyes, and she didn't bother holding them back. Maybe she had finally learned that there was no strength in holding in her emotions, strength just came from loving those around you and allowing them to love you in return. She could rebuild her life while still acknowledging the damage Jason had caused her.

“I know, honey, I know. I was terrified I was going to lose you.” A shudder rocked through his body, she felt it because she was plastered against him.

“You saved me. I love you, Matthew.” She looked up at him in the dark. Light from the moon streamed down around them as well as light from flashlights, she could see him well enough that she could see there were tear tracks on his cheeks.

She’d never seen him cry.

Reaching out, she touched the pad of her thumb to the wetness.

“You're crying,” she said, almost incredulously.

“Yeah, babe, I'm crying. I love you, and I came seconds away from losing you.”

“You love me?” She’d thought he did, was sure she felt it in his touches, and the way he looked at her, but she had needed to hear the words. She hadn't even realized how much until he said them.

“You doubted that?”

“No,” she whispered. Her throat hurt, her hands ached, there was a burning pain in her back from the lashes of Jason’s whip, but despite it all, the peace she’d felt while she was hovering between life and death was still there. For the first time in so many years she actually felt like everything was going to be okay. “I didn't doubt that.”

Matthew smiled, palmed her cheek, and brushed a kiss across her lips. “Good, because you're going to need to get used to hearing it. I'm going to be saying it all the time.”

“Good.” She stared into Matthew’s eyes, almost mesmerized by the love shining so brightly from them. She’d never been in love before, she’d never felt this kind of connection before, and it was a heady rush, making her almost giddy.

Someone cleared their throat, and for the first time she realized that she and Matthew weren’t alone. Elijah and Ali were standing above them, looking down at her, tears on their cheeks as well.

Elijah held out a blanket and Grace realized she was naked. Maybe she should be embarrassed but to be honest she was too happy to be alive to really worry about anything else.

Her brother wrapped the blanket around her, tucking it in, then he hugged her hard. Grace hugged him back but appreciated that Elijah didn't try to take her out of Matthew’s arms, showing his respect for her relationship with him, and in doing so giving his blessing. While she had never needed her brothers’ blessing to do anything, the fact that they were supporting her relationship with Matthew meant the world to her. They’d always been like extra dads to her, and after their father’s death they’d stepped up even more, and she hoped one day soon they might be walking her down the aisle.

Ali hugged her next, and again her sister-in-law didn't try to move her out of Matthew’s arms. Just held onto her, whispered how much she loved her and then stood back, smiling down at her while Elijah wrapped his arms around his wife.

Grace snuggled into Matthew’s arms, content just to rest her head on his shoulder, and allow him to take care of her.

For so long she’d had to be strong, take care of herself, there had been no one else there to do it for her. While she knew there would never be a time where she didn't feel guilt for the lives of the women Jason had forced her to kill, she knew that she hadn't had any choice. Jason was responsible for their deaths, not her, and she would tell herself as many times as she had to until it started to sink in.

Matthew would remind her too. She already knew he would be an amazing partner. He was compassionate, caring, and intuitive, he understood her better than she would have thought someone could in such a short time. He had his own demons to battle, but she knew that side by side, hand in hand, they were a powerful team, certainly strong enough to fight her demons and his.