Page 36 of Fable Killer

When Matthew curled a hand around the back of her neck she didn't pull away.

When his other hand curled around her waist, settling on her hip, she moved in closer.

Her head tiled up, his tilted down.

The dinosaurs stomping in her belly faded, replaced with a raw need she’d never felt before.

Grace had lost her virginity to her high school boyfriend in their junior year. She’d slept with her college boyfriend, sex had always been nice, something she’d enjoyed, and her college boyfriend had been good at it, known how to work her body, but neither of her lovers had made her feel like this.

And Matthew hadn't even kissed her yet.

His lips brushed across hers and a sigh rumbled through his body, and then he was kissing her properly. His tongue prodded at her lips, and when she opened it swept inside her mouth, he devoured her, possessed her. Between them she could feel his length hardening and she shifted uncomfortably as a throbbing between her legs made her hot and needy.

She wanted this.

Wanted more.

Wanted it all.

It felt impossible that this time last week she was still locked in Emmanuel’s house, being punished for some perceived wrongdoing. Just days had passed since she had been rescued, but somehow it felt like she had lived an entire lifetime in those few days.

“Are you done mauling my baby sister on my front porch?”

The angry voice had Matthew stepping back and they both turned to see Jem glaring at them. Laynie was standing behind her husband with a more sympathetic expression on her face, and yet she didn't tell Jem to back off.

“What do you think you’re doing?” she demanded. “You’re the one who set this up, asked Matthew to give me a shooting lesson, and told him my favorite Chinese foods. You knew this was a date. How did you think it was going to end?”

“Not with him mauling you like that,” Jem muttered.

“Look, Jem, I know you don’t want to hear this, but I'm not the same naïve girl I used to be. I'm stronger now, tougher, I had to be if I wanted to live. And Idowant to live. I want to be a real person again, not Emmanuel’s toy, and not your sweet baby sister. I want to be me. The new me. I want to build a new life, and I want that life to include Matthew. I love you so much, both of you,” she added to include Laynie. “Elijah and Ali too. I love you more than you can ever know, and I appreciate you all so much. I'm so grateful that you're letting me stay here, that you're supporting me going back to school and getting a job, even though I know you want to keep me close. But you need to accept that I can take care of myself. I've been doing just that for five and a half years. As much as I love you, I cannot allow anyone to ever again dictate to me what I can and can't do. So, if I want to kiss Matthew goodnight after the best date I've ever had, then I'm going to do it. I like him. A lot.” She turned slightly so she could see Matthew and her cheeks pinked when she saw the pride shining from his eyes. “He understands me, he makes me feel normal, and even if things between us don’t work out, I know he’ll be my friend forever. I need to be in control of my own life, so don’t ever come and interrupt a kiss I wanted to happen again. Goodnight, Matthew, thank you for tonight it was perfect. Almost.” She shot her big brother a reproving frown, then stood on tiptoe to kiss Matthew’s cheek.

“Night, Grace, sweet dreams,” Matthew said as she ducked past her brother and into the house.

Tonight had been everything she’d hoped it would be and so much more. Even her brother’s interruption couldn’t dampen the hope soaring within her. A normal life was within her grasp, and she had Matthew to thank for that. Everything she’d done to survivewas finally paying off. She was free and she was … happy.

July 11th

8:57 A.M.

“All right, let’s get things started, we have a lot to get through,” Heidi announced.

At his boss’ words the room fell silent, all eyes turning to look at her. Matthew had hardly been able to get the smile off his face since he’d said goodnight to Grace last night. Not only had their date been a blast, but watching her put her brother in his place had been nothing short of awe inspiring. Like Grace, he understood where the Bennett family was coming from, but seeing Grace exert her independence, take control of her life, made him so very proud of her. If ever there was a victim who stood a great chance at rebuilding their life, it was Grace.

Of course, he knew better than most the scars left behind. But Grace was the definition of a survivor, and he would be right there beside her, offering her his support whenever she needed it.

“Kane, any hits yet?” Heidi asked the crime scene tech.

“No, I would have called you all immediately if I got anything. I think we have to accept that Emmanuel isn’t in any databases,” Kane replied, shooting an apologetic glance Allina’s way. Grace’s sister-in-law had joined them today and while Matthew didn't think that was a good idea, Ali was way too personally invested to be objective, it wasn’t his place to decide who was in and out of the meeting. Besides, he’d been worried if he pushed too hard then he’d wind up getting himself kicked off the case. It wasn’t like he was a whole lot less emotionally invested in Grace’s wellbeing than Ali was.

Bringing Grace closure had become as important to him as learning about her and being there for her. In Grace his mind seemed to see a second chance, a chance to save someone this time who wanted to be saved. His mother and sister had blamed him for what he’d done, painted him as the villain in the story even though he was only an eleven-year-old boy. Maybe this time he wanted to be the hero.

Grace’s hero.

“How can he not have a criminal record?” Heidi demanded to no one in particular.

“Something triggered him,” Matthew replied.

“Still to go straight to kidnapping and murder without any other stops along the way isn’t what we usually see,” Heidi said.