Page 6 of His Temptation

“Here, send her my picture too.” He motions for my phone. He quickly snaps a selfie and hands it back to me. I’ll have to remember to save it later when I am reliving this moment as proof that this whole thing happened.

“I’m parked in the garage around the corner.” He places his hand on the middle of my back, and smoothly maneuvers us so that he is closer to the curb. He never once breaks contact with my back, and the heat of his palm against me has me wanting to press my thighs together.

I’ve never been so physically attracted to a man like this before. A simple touch has me throbbing with need. Everything about him has me on edge. The smell of his cologne lingering on his coat that I am clutching underneath my chin.His arm around my body, hand resting on my waist. His tall frame is not overpowering but protective as he guides me down the sidewalk. I’m surrounded by Holden and I find myself never wanting to leave.

The parking garage is well lit with many cars parked under its protective cover. Holden points toward a black Mercedes-Benz sedan. “I’m parked right there.” He walks me to the passenger side and opens my door for me, shutting it once I’m in the car. Within moments he is nestled in the driver’s seat, his long legs stretching out as he turns the car on and quickly blasts the warm air. He flicks on the seat warmers as we both buckle our seatbelts.

Holden pulls up the GPS on the center console. “What’s your address?” He listens intently, typing in the location of my sister’s house, and puts the car into reverse. He places his hand on the back of my headrest as he maneuvers the car backward out of the parking spot. I admire his chest, his hand placed on the steering wheel, and the intense look of concentration on his face. My thighs squeeze together involuntarily as a steady thrumming is taking place between my legs. I quickly look away and tighten his coat around me before he can catch me ogling him.

Just as we are about to pull out of the garage, his GPS dings. A robotic feminine voice calls out “Caution, roads closed ahead. Searching for an alternate route.” It’s not hard to get to the city from my sister’s house, it’s a quick jump on the interstate, but the country roads in-between must be the problem.

“Mel lives off country roads. I wonder if the snow is even worse out there-” my voice trails off just as the voice says, “No route found.”

I honestly don’t know what to do at this point. I stare at the dash dumbfounded. I try not to cry, but the reality of the situation has tears pooling in my eyes.

Holden glances over at me and I move to hide my face. He gently places a hand on my knee to offer comfort. “You can stay with me,” his voice soft and soothing. “I’ve got spare rooms that you can stay in for tonight.” His thumb moves back and forth on my knee, offering another distraction from the ridiculous predicament I find myself in. “If you’re okay with that?”

I sniff loudly and turn to look at him. This isn’t exactly where I thought this night would go when Mel first dragged me out. I never would have imagined that I would be going home with a gorgeous man, but I don’t have many options right now. I nod my head as I wipe away a stray tear.

Holden turns out onto the road, never once removing his hand from my knee, and I don’t want him to. We drive down the snow-covered roads in comfortable silence as we make our way through the city. I recognize the area we are in. Of course, Holden, CEO, and entrepreneur lives in Near North Side, the most expensive part of town.

He pulls into the underground parking garage under a tall building. The luxury apartment building towers above as he parks in a numbered space. He slides out of the car and walks around to open my door for me before leading me to the elevator located at the end of the row of spaces. As we wait for the elevator to arrive, I quickly pull out my phone and send my sister a pin of my location. You can never be too careful.

Once the elevator arrives, he reaches across me and pushes the button for the top floor. As soon as the door closes, the tension between us is palpable. We make eye contact as the elevator begins its ascent, the electric current between us pulsing. Lust fills his gaze and my breath quickens, the only sound besides the whirring of the elevator. I step closer to him, closing the gap between our bodies. Holden reaches his hand up and caresses my cheek, slowly dragging his thumb across my lower lip, tugging at my mouth. His breathing is now timed with mine, both of us panting with desire. I tangle my hand on the fabric of his shirt, pulling him closer as he begins to bring his mouth to mine. Just before his lips brush mine, the elevator dings announcing our arrival.

Chapter 5


Holden unlocks the door to his penthouse and gestures for me to go ahead. Light wood paneling covers the walls, a round table sits in the middle with a vase of flowers. Hanging from the ceiling is a modern chandelier that casts a soft, welcoming glow. Holden takes his coat from my shoulders and hangs it up in the closet. “Come on in.”

I follow him into the living area. The floors are white marble, but what draws my eyes are the floor-to-ceiling windows that offer a spectacular view of the city. A living area sprawls in front of me, white and gray furniture giving a comfortable vibe. To my right are floating steps that lead to the upstairs rooms.

To the left of the entryway is an open-style kitchen, a long island with waterfall countertops accentuated by gold metallic cabinetry. A long dining table hints at dinner parties and social events. I wander through the kitchen and into a small room tucked to the side. Formal dining and sitting area, complete with a round glass table and a Crystal chandelier. A gas fireplace encased in gray marble is the focal point of the room with formal seating surrounding it, all upholstered velvet in deep jewel tones.

Holden clears his throat.“The bedrooms are upstairs. I’m sure you're tired.” Holden is patient while I take my time to view the luxurious apartment. When I’m ready, he leads me up the stairs and down a long hallway speckled with doors. He points to the door at the end, “This is my room. The bathroom is the door to your right. The room right here,” he indicates the door to my left, “is the guest room. There is another guest room down past the stairs at the other end of the hallway if that would make you more comfortable.”

My answer leaves my mouth too quickly. “This one is good,” speeds past my lips. I want to be close to him and the room at the other end of the hallway is too far away. I smile nervously at him, my eyes darting away in embarrassment.

Holden returns my awkward smile.“Let me get you some more comfortable clothes.” He turns and disappears into his bedroom. I want to call out to not bother, it’s likely his stuff won’t fit me, but I don’t. Instead of standing awkwardly in the hallway, I open the bathroom door and step inside.

My hands slip into my hair and I lean against the door, in shock at where I have ended up. I am in the home of quite possibly a billionaire, a blizzard is roaring outside, and I find out I have no way to get home. Not to mention the crazy sexual tension I feel when this man is close. To try to clear my mind, I decide right then that I need a shower. A nice, cleansing shower to bring me back down to earth.

I look around, making sure there are clean towels and strip off my dress. I carefully set the gold bracelet Mel let me borrow on the quartz countertop and remove my bra, leaving me in only my panties. Just as I make my way to the glass-enclosed shower, the bathroom door opens, Holden frozen in place as he stares at me.

In any normal situation, I would cower and hide my body. But with Holden, I want him to see. I want him to drink me in. I turn and face him completely, bending my knee and trying to look seductive. Holden’s mouth has dropped open, his hand still firmly on the door knob, a small pile of clothing on the floor next to his foot. We simply stare at each other, both frozen, at first by surprise, but then morphs into desire. My breath is coming in quick, shallow pants as wetness pools in my lace panties.



I dig through my drawers to find clothing for Everly to sleep in. The thought of her wearing my clothes makes my dick hard. That moment on the elevator almost had me coming unhinged. Everly has a pull over me. In her presence I become entranced, bewitched.

I grab a pair of black boxer briefs and a plain V-neck t-shirt. I figured these would be the most comfortable items for her to sleep in. Plus, I know that her curves will look glorious in these. I adjust the bulge in my pants and breathe deeply through my nose to calm myself down. The last thing I need is for her to see me turned on and to get the wrong impression of me. I want her to feel comfortable in my home and not as if I dragged her here for sex.

Finally calm enough to be in her presence, I open the door to the hallway, but Everly isn’t there. She must have gone into the spare bedroom she said she would use. Trying to anticipate her needs, I figured she might want to shower and I’m not sure if there are towels in the bathroom connected to that room. I wrench open the door to the bathroom and I am stunned by the sight of Everly topless, in black lace panties.

Fuck. My eyes are glued to the visual in front of me. I know I should turn away, quickly apologize, and walk back out this door, but all logic leaves my brain. Her hair has tussled, no doubt from removing her dress, the bathroom lighting illuminating her beautiful face as she turns fully towards me. Her breasts, large and full, are begging to be in my mouth, and as if in response to this thought my mouth falls open. Everly holds my gaze as she pops her hip and bends her knee, accentuating her flawless legs.