Page 8 of His Temptation

He releases me from our embrace and walks to the glass doors, turning on the water, his hand in the spray to test the temperature.

“What did you think I was doing in here in the first place?” I laugh. He turns towards me as I slide my hands down my hips, removing my panties.

His eyes rake over me and he licks his lips. “I honestly didn’t know you were in here,” he confesses. “I’m glad you were though.” A sly grin crosses his face as he winks at me. “I was thinking you might need a towel and was coming to grab one for you.”

His thoughtfulness tugs at my heart at his confession. He was trying to anticipate my needs. I stare at his naked body, from his toned thighs, up to the v around his hips, across his abs, and up to his chest. I want to run my tongue up and down his entire body. How this man could want me, is unfathomable. His dark, curly hair has come loose and hangs down his forehead, a smirk crossing his full lips as he watches me admiring him.

Chapter 6


As I turn the shower on, I am in a euphoric state. Did I think this would happen when I brought her home? No. Did I wish it would? Fuck yes.

I carefully test the water temperature and extend my hand to Everly, who appears to be admiring my ass. I smirk as she places her hand in mine.

Now it’s my turn to admire her body. If I had a preferred body type for a woman, it would be Everly. Her hair is tousled seductively, framing her lovely face. Her skin is creamy and smooth with a light dusting of freckles making me want to find and kiss every one of them. My gaze drifts over her belly to the softness of her hips. I rake my eyes from head to toe, all the while wondering how in the world I could be so lucky.

Everly starts to fidget as I stare, her hands making to cover herself up before I take both of her hands in mine. “You are beautiful. Don’t hide from me. You are everything I could want.” I dip my head to force her eye contact. She timidly looks back, those dark eyes connecting with my soul. Everly bites her lip and nods. “Come on.”

We both step into the shower, the waterfall showerhead raining down on both of us. I move back so Everly can get most of the spray. She sighs as tilts her head back, eyes closing in relaxation. “Oh my god. I need one of these showers. This would help at the end of a long day.” She drags her hand through her hair and swipes at her face, smearing makeup all over.

“You should try the one in my apartment in New York. The nozzles spray from three directions.” She practically groans at that and I chuckle. I place my hand on her waist as I reach around her, searching for the shampoo. “Can I wash your hair?”

She opens her eyes and smiles at me. “I’d like that. I don’t remember the last time I had someone wash my hair. You’re going to spoil me,” she teases.

“Don’t tempt me, baby. Someone needs to,” I tease back. I’m rewarded with a giggle that makes my dick twitch. “Don’t you get your hair washed at the salon?” I am genuinely curious. It’s one of my favorite things, having my hair washed. I unclick the cap and pour shampoo into my palm, rubbing my hands together to create a lather before carefully massaging it into her hair.

A contented sigh fills the space as I begin to work. “I don’t get my hair washed when I get it done. I can’t afford to spend the extra money on a wash, especially with a teacher’s salary. I stick to the basic cut, no frills.”

“Hmmm” is the only response I have. Someone needs to spoil her, and I plan on that being me. She deserves to have her hair washed for god’s sake. She deserves to be pampered. Just the thought of her with the bare minimum fills me with anger. Does she not spend money on herself? On things that pleasure her?

She tilts her head back to rinse out the suds. Once her hair is soap-free, she reaches for the bottle. “Can I wash your hair?”

“Absolutely. I’m a sucker for a good head scrub.”

She squeezes the shampoo in her hand and motions for me to come closer. “You’re going to have to help a girl out here.” I oblige and tilt my head lower so she can reach.

I close my eyes as the sensation of her nails scrubbing my scalp sends shivers down my spine. She works in small circles, making her way around my head. I release a sigh as she continues to work the suds into my curls. I’ve been growing it out on a dare from Ryan one drunken night months ago. I’ve never had my hair this long before, and I’ve found I like it. I didn’t even realize I had this much curl in my hair until I grew it out. I can feel Everly’s breath on my face, pulling me from my relaxation.

My eyes snap open, finding her staring at me, inches apart. Her breath is shallow and quick. She blinks and steps back, clearing her throat. “Time to rinse.”

We continue the rest of the shower, the tension mounting between us. We take turns lathering conditioner into each other’s hair. I leave her to wash her body while I wash mine, both of us sneaking coy glances at each other. Finally, she reaches for the face wash that I hardly use, and carefully scrubs her face, removing any remaining makeup.

I step out before her, wrapping a towel around my waist and grabbing another off the rack, holding it open.

She steps out of the shower into the towel I am holding out for her. “You don’t happen to have any lotion do you?” she asks. “If you don't, that's ok. My skin gets dry in the winter.”

“Um, yeah. Let me go get some.” I head to my bedroom to grab the bottle from my dresser. When I return, Everly has a towel wrapped around her body, her wet hair dripping down her back.

“My skin thanks you. It’s already got that tight feeling, ya know?” She takes the bottle from my proffered hand and drops the towel around her body. It doesn’t matter that we were just naked together in the shower, my body immediately responds to the sight of her lathering lotion on her arms, and her chest, gliding over her stomach and down her legs, with total indifference to her touch. Jealousy overtakes me as my dick hardens. I want to be those hands, touching her skin, caressing her body.



I apply the lotion Holden hands me, gently spreading the moisturizer all over my body. My nightly routine is something Mel constantly makes fun of me for. It doesn’t matter the time or place, I will come home drunk in the middle of the night and still manage to shower, wash my face, and apply lotion. I just tell her that I will look young by the time we are 50 and then she will wish she did the same routine.

I am unaware of the reaction Holden is having until I have moisturized my body and attempted to hand the bottle of lotion back to him. Holden is staring at me, his eyes dark with need. The towel around his hips is straining against the hardness of his cock.