Page 12 of His Temptation

Mel yawns, “But you have to admit it made for good tv.” We are both startled when two sharp knocks rattle the front door. We stare at each other, frozen in place.

I remove the cheap plastic glasses, and jump up to answer the door, while Mel sits up, craning her head to see who could be knocking. Neither of us is expecting anyone, so I am cautious as I turn the deadbolt, keeping the chain on just in case. I crack the door open and peek out. The breath whooshes out of my lungs as Holden stands on the other side of the door.

“Holden?” I whisper, confused. Without a second thought, I close the door, sliding the chain free, and practically throwing myself out the door and onto the porch.

Holden looks effortlessly sexy. His dark-worn jeans, blue sweater, black tweed coat hanging around his shoulder, his dark hair mussed like he’s been anxiously running his hands through it. “I couldn’t stay away,” he whispers almost painfully. “You’re all I think about. I want to be with you, I need you near me. The thought of being away from you is too much. This past week, being in New York has been miserable. You never escaped my thoughts. You are what I want, baby. I want to bury myself in you, I want to worship you the way you deserve to be. I need you. I need all of you.” His confession is a plea, a prayer. He’s been miserable too. “You are burned in my heart. The time we spent together wasn’t enough,” he pauses as his words are coming out broken, full of emotion. “You are all I want.”

Tears are openly streaming down my face at his confession. Holden closes the space between us, swiping away my tears as they fall. “Of course I want you,” I choke out. “You’re all I want too.”

Holden places his lips on mine. My chest is filled with joy as he holds me, the hollow space in my chest filling up with him. I knew I missed him and ached for him, but I didn’t fully acknowledge the hole he left in my heart until he was back to fix it. We hold each other close, his hands skating up and down my back, offering comfort.

Our lips move together, tongues twinning, every caress a balm to my mending heart. I pull him closer to me, scared that if I let go, he will leave me again.

He lightly cups my jaw as he pulls back, studying my face as if he is memorizing every detail. I stare back into those blue/gray eyes I missed so much, his beautiful rugged face. I love him. This man is so above and beyond anything I had envisioned for myself, a dream come true.

He wraps his arms around me, pulling me into a tight embrace. He places a gentle kiss on the top of my head while I breathe him in. “I love you, Everly,” he whispers, barely louder than the wind. A single tear escapes from my eye as I nuzzle my face against his chest. “I’m tempted to throw caution to the wind and drag you to New York with me. But I will do anything to be by your side.”

I pull back, holding his head in my hands. “I love you, Holden. I want to be with you, I don’t care where we are, or what city we are in, as long as we’re together.”

We hold each other as the cold wind swirls around us, knowing that whatever comes next, it will be together.


5 Months Later


The summer heat blasts into me as I walk out of Cooper and Pike Enterprises and make my way to the waiting sedan. I unbutton my suit jacket, and settle into the seat, checking my phone for what seems like the millionth time. I’ve been a ball of nerves today, certainly having driven Alyssa, my assistant, to contemplate homicide with my constant badgering.

Everly is moving to the city with me. After months of constant flights to Illinois, the school year is over. I’m selfishly glad that she is leaving teaching behind and moving forward in a new career. I could see the toll it was taking on her, leaving me powerless to help, and it destroyed me to watch her having to deal with it.

The car pulls away from the curb, and my driver, Harvey, already knows the destination. I attempt to keep myself distracted on the drive to JFK checking emails and reading the most recent reports on the club.

The numbers remain steady, but I contact the marketing department to brainstorm ideas on how to bump up revenue. The club became a well-used excuse to return to Chicago, much to Ryan’s amusement. For years, I would protest every trip, finding any reason to send someone else to the city I loathed. Everly’s presence there was a soothing balm, beginning to heal the hurt deep within me.

My phone vibrates as another message from Alyssa comes in. I read the message confirming a reservation, a hint of a smile coming to my face as my plans take form. I’ve been secretly planning a vacation. Everly deserves to be pampered and a trip to Italy is exactly what she needs. Alyssa has been instrumental in this trip coming together and I decide she deserves a raise.

Everly’s face lights up my screen, her call incoming. “Tell me you’ve landed,” I plead. Everly’s throaty laugh resounds through the speaker.

“You’re such a worry wart,” she teases. “I’m just now walking off the plane and heading to baggage claim.” The sound of masses of people and overhead announcements bleed in from the background. “Excuse me,” Everly says, clearly to someone she is passing in the airport.

“I’m almost there,” I glance down at my watch. “I’ll be there in another ten minutes. I’m sorry you’ll have to wait for me, baby.”

Everly scoffs, “I was just on a plane for 3 hours, I need to move around a bit before sitting in a car.” I can practically see her eyes roll through the phone. We end our conversation after confirming the pickup spot.

The car pulls to the curb several minutes later and I eagerly scan the sidewalk for Everly. After several minutes of scanning, I see her as she strides through the automatic doors. She is stunning. Her hair, now longer after several months, is artfully pinned in a bun, most likely to keep it out of her way while flying. Her curves are gloriously accentuated in the navy blue sundress, the blue tassels tied around her waist bouncing as she walks. Her delicate, creamy skin is on full display and I love seeing my girl so confident in herself.

I step out of the cool confines of the car and I can tell the moment she spots me. Her face breaks out into the most breathtaking smile, her steps becoming quicker. As soon as she is close, Everly drops her bags and flings herself into my arms. I revel in the feeling of having her close, breathing in her bright floral perfume. I check to make sure Harvey has grabbed her luggage and squeeze her tight, a contented giggle escapes her.

I pull back out of our embrace, hands cupping the back of her neck, tilting her face towards mine. It’s been weeks since I last kissed her, and I am a starving man. Our lips come together, her soft lips caressing me like I have been dreaming of since the last time we kissed. A soft moan rumbles in her throat as her mouth opens to me, our tongues tangling. I normally despise public displays of affection, but with Everly all I see, all I feel, is her.

Our movements grow quicker, hunger building between us. With a groan, I pull back, placing my forehead against hers. “I missed you, baby,” I whisper as I place a soft kiss on her forehead. “Let’s go home.”



Moving to New York is one of the best decisions I’ve made, aside from going to the club with my sister the night I met Holden. The past 5 months have been some of the best times in my life so far. Ever since Holden showed up on my sister's doorstep on New Year’s Eve, my life has blossomed. Yes, the weeks between visits were difficult, but all of that pales to the happiness that Holden brings to me.