Her eyes widened. “To an AA meeting?”

He chuckled. “Yeah. Is it an open meeting?”

“It is. Are you sure you want to go?”

“More sure than anything.”

The musicians were making their way onto the stage. “I gotta go, but yeah, of course you can come.”

“You sure it won’t make you uncomfortable?”

She stood and looked down at him, giving him an amused look. “You know all my secrets. No, it won’t make me uncomfortable. It will make me feel supported and loved.”

“Good, then. It’s a date.” He watched her walk up onto the platform, pick up her flute, adjust her sheet music, and then start to play.

He stood with the rest of the congregation, but he couldn’t focus on singing. He couldn’t even make himself look at the words on the screen. He couldn’t pry his eyes away from Sammy. She looked so beautiful in her long skirt and ruffly blouse.

And then, when the first song ended, and the second had yet to begin, she lowered her flute, looked right at him, and gave him a giant smile.

And he smiled back, knowing that he had never, ever been so in love.

October 24

Dear Frank,

Well, that’s a wrap. Looks like Samantha and Brent are back together. And it doesn’t even seem that she’s mad at me for not telling her I was helping. Maybe she’s too in love to get angry. Ha!

You know, Frank, this one might be my favorite couple yet. And it wasn’t even my idea!

Maybe that’s why it’s my favorite.

Anyway, it makes me feel like such an old lady to say it, but I’ll say it anyway. These youngsters get divorced way too easily and quickly. They hit a bump in the road and then instead of fixing the truck, they go trade it in. I don’t want to be too judgmental. I know it’s hard. I lived it. But imagine if I’d given up when we hit our bumps, then I would have missed out on the very best years we had together.

Anyway, I’m so glad Samantha, or Sammy as he calls her—isn’t that cute?—are going to get to experience that kind of love. The kind that has weathered the storm and is still standing.

Thank you, Frank, for giving me that kind of love. I didn’t deserve it, and I am grateful to you and to God for the gift.

See you soon.

