And I know you would think that the whole matchmaking thing is silly, but it’s not and now, for the first time, I have proof.

Pastor Darren called me today. He called me. To ask me about getting two people together. Ha! Take that. I am officially the Greater Life matchmaker. I am doing God’s work.

You remember Samantha, the flute player? I mean, I know you don’t remember her from life because she wasn’t going to our church yet, but I’ve written to you about her before. So if you have any way of knowing what I write here, then maybe you remember her.

Anyway! I have tried and tried and tried to come up with someone she would like. And she has turned down some pretty good men. Well, now I know why. Her ex-husband is back in the picture, and he is going to sweep her off her feet, and I’m helping!

I wanted to ask to make sure that he’s a believer, but I didn’t feel it was my place. I’m assuming that he is since Darren is behind this. I’m going to trust God and trust Samantha’s wisdom.

Anyway, this one is going to be fun. I can feel it.

Don’t worry, I’ll keep you posted.

Love you so much, Frank. Thank you for giving me such a great example of a marriage. I miss you.



Chapter 8

Saturday morning foundSamantha with a clearer head than she’d had in a long time. She had ample energy, and when she could keep herself from thinking about the mystery blood, she was even in an okay mood.

After her lunch salad, she took advantage of her newfound energy and went for a long, chilly walk.

When she returned with tingling legs and wind-pinked cheeks, even though she’d already spent time in the Bible that morning, she had the urge to dive back in.

She curled up in her recliner with a soft blanket and read from Psalm 130:

Out of the depths I have cried to you, Yahweh.

Lord, hear my voice.

Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my petitions.

If you, Yah, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand?