They started walking, and she looked down at his feet. “Are you limping?”

“No,” he said quickly, trying to straighten out his gait.Maybe don’t start things off with a lie. “Yeah, maybe a little.”

Chapter 33

Brent followed Sammyup the steps and into the church building. She seemed so proud to have him along, and that made him feel pretty good about himself.

She’d made it clear that he didn’t have to get here this early, but he’d been so excited to see her that he’d decided, why not sit through a music team practice? He wanted to be part of her life now, all of it.

“Brent, this is our fearless leader Harry. He’s awesome.”

The man, who was obviously an old hippie, stuck out his hand. “Good to meet you, Brent. Welcome.” He pumped his hand up and down enthusiastically.

Sammy introduced him to the rest of the team, and though she tried to be diplomatic, he could tell she didn’t think much of the woman named Tiffany. No one else could tell, he was pretty sure. Sammy had always done a good job of hiding her feelings, but he knew her better than most.

“We already know each other,” Tiffany said with a sour expression on her face.

Uh-oh. They did?

“You deliver my oil. And last time you bled my lines.”

Oh! He delivered a lot of oil to a lot of people. He could not remember them all. “Of course. Remind me what town?” She needed to do more than remind him. He had no clue, but he was trying to be nice.


“Oh wow. And you drive all the way here for church?” Bucksport was more than an hour from Hartport.

“We’re the only ones who will let her sing,” one of the guitar players said.

Tiffany turned on him with malice on her face. “Shut your mouth, Jake!”

Jake laughed and mimed zipping his lips shut.

Brent glanced at Sammy, who was trying not to laugh.

“We should pray,” Harry said abruptly. “Yeah, yeah, let’s pray. I think we really need prayer.”