“But?” Cindy prompted.

“But I don’t know. It would be weird. It’s been a long time. And he really hurt me. I mean, I have already forgiven him, of course, but could I trust him again? I don’t know.”

Cindy handed her phone back and then squeezed her hand. “Pray without ceasing. One step at a time, always praying with every step.”

October 14

Dear Frank,

I feel like I’m being dishonest even though I’m not. Maybe I should come clean with Samantha. The more I hide my involvement, the more hurt she’s going to be when she finds out. But if I tell her, then I interfere with Brent’s plan, and I’m telling you, it is a good one! It’s really working. He might think he’s not romantic, but he’s wrong.

So what do I do? I’m so annoyed that you’re not here to advise me. Of course, if you were, I wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place because you would have advised me not to take up the matchmaking mantle.

Anyway, I’m exhausted from all my secret keeping and am going to turn in. I don’t know how it works, but if you or someone could whisper some advice to me while I’m sleeping, I’d be grateful.

You know that I’ve never been a dishonest person. I don’t want to start now.

Love you, Frank.



Chapter 18

Samantha smiled ather neighbor who was taking out the trash.

“Nice night,” he said.

“It sure is.” She kept walking.

“Hey, how’s your friend?”

She stopped and turned back. “What friend?”

He shrugged. “The one from the other night. I don’t know, couple a weeks ago now, I guess, but I haven’t seen you to ask. She looked pretty stove up. She okay now?”