“All right, baby.” He pops my nipple free, giving it one last lick, then lying back on the ground, his hands cradling my hips. “Ride me. Fuck me.”

I do. I do all of that. And more.

There’s no more pain. Only the ravenous need that drives me to glide up his length and drop back down. To repeat the motion over and over. To dance on his cock. To pursue the ecstasy that glimmers right on the edge, just out of my reach.

Maybe I don’t ride hard or fast enough after it. Maybe I don’t want this moment in these woods where only lust and the two of us reside to end.

And maybe it’s that last thought that scares the hell out of me and has me skimming a hand down my own body to rub fingers over my clit. With one tight, firm circle and his eyes on me…another caress…and another, I’m flying.

No, no. That’s too pretty. I’m cracking down the middle, splintering, spilling. It’s ugly, it’s messy, it’s real. And as King swells thick inside me, hammering away and spurting his cum deep, I can acknowledge this was a mistake. A selfish mistake that will cost me.

Right now, though, with his orgasm triggering a smaller, tighter one inside me, I can’t bring myself to care.


Later, I’ll care.

But not right now.



“You fucked him, didn’t you?”

I cough, choking on a cherry tomato. Picking up my sweet tea, I down sips of it, glaring at Lena over the rim of the glass.

She didn’t appear at all repentant as she bit into her bacon cheeseburger and arched an eyebrow. I scan Rise ’n Shine Diner, but no one else in the fifties style restaurant seems to be paying us any attention. Of course, that means nothing. They could possess amazing poker faces and really big ears.

“Could you say that just a little bit louder?” I hiss, leaning across the table. “Pastor Mays over at the church didn’t quite hear you.”

“Maybe you need to go on over to Paster Mays. I hear confession is good for the soul.” Lena jabs a French fry at me, then dips it in ketchup. “Because you’re certainly not confiding in me.”

“I really don’t want to have this discussion here,” I mutter, stabbing my fork at the Romaine lettuce on my plate.

“I respect that.” A pause. “It was the day you bailed on me and India, wasn’t it?”

Groaning, I drop my fork to my plate and drop my forehead in my hands. “Lena.”

“And that right there, ladies and gentlemen, is the classic posture of I Done Fucked Up.” Lena leans forward and pokes at my forearm. When I glance up, she props her arms on the tabletop and narrows her gaze on me. “What happened to our pact? You were supposed to call me before you fell on the dick.” When I groan and tip my head back, she pokes me again. “No, seriously, Lennon. That was our promise to each other. We look out for each other, remember? Well, while you’ve been indulging in the rock star peen, I haven’t gone within a hundred feet of Ben.”

I squint at her. “Why do you sound like the language in a restraining order?”

She waves a hand, brushing my observation aside.

“Totally coincidental. And stop trying to change the subject.” She studies me, concern brightening her hazel eyes. “The last time we talked about King, you told me you were terrified of this right here happening. I’m worried, Len. Do you know what you’re doing?”

Closing my eyes, I pinch the bridge of my nose.

“Here’s where I wish I could tell you yes. But truth?” I look at my friend and slowly shake my head. “No. I thought I did. At the time, I convinced myself I did, but now?” I shrug a shoulder. “I just don’t…”

“Can I ask you a question?” When I nod, she stretches her arm across the table, palm up. I curl my hand around hers. “What are you so afraid to admit to yourself?”

“I’m not”

But she squeezes my fingers, cutting me off. “Don’t be so quick to speak. Think on it. What are you so afraid to look at and admit to yourself?”

My lips part once more to deny being afraid of anything but then I close them. And think. Really…think. The answer isn’t so difficult to come up with. It’s voicing the answer that’s a struggle. This is Lena, though. In spite of the teasing and shade we throw back and forth at each other, there’s no judgment between us, only love and acceptance.