Page 9 of The Other One

I choke out a laugh. “Excuse me, I have never had any complaints in that department,” I reply as I exaggeratedly adjust myself.

She rolls her eyes and chokes out a sarcastic laugh. “Whatever you have to tell yourself to help you sleep at night.”

“I sleep just fine. And usually not alone.” I instantly curse myself for reminding her of all the women I’ve slept with. She pisses me the hell off and that tends to lead to shit spewing from my mouth.

“Yes, we’re all aware of the many conquests of Jackson Hayes. Honestly, with as much as you brag about it, I’m surprised you have time to run a business. Tell me, Prince of Darkness, how do you find the time?”

“I’m sure this is the part where I come back with some snappy retort, but quite honestly, I’m exhausted.” We pull up in front of her building and I park across the street, turning toward her. “Honestly, Abigail, I haven’t had anyone in my bed since the kidnapping. I figured that was a pretty clear fucking sign that I needed to take stock of how my actions were affecting the people around me.”

Abigail looks at me in confusion, blinking a few times, trying to comprehend what I told her. She shakes her head slightly and moves to exit the car. I open my door and head around to her side to help her out. Of course, I’m too late and she’s already shutting the door. This stubborn-ass woman can’t let me be a gentleman, as if it would be too painful for her.

“What are you doing?” she asks as I follow her toward the building entrance.

“What the hell does it look like? I’m trying to be a gentleman and walk you to your door.”

She rolls her eyes and huffs out a breath. “Don’t hurt yourself.”

“Why do you always have to make everything so hard?” I ask as we enter the elevator, and she presses the button for her floor.

“I make you hard? Good to know,” she says, a small grin tugging on her full lips.

I purse my lips and shoot her an annoyed glare. “Wench.”

She simply bats her eyes and gives me a saccharine smile before exiting the elevator on her floor and striding toward her door.

I follow and stand behind her as she unlocks her dead bolt.

“Okay, oh gallant one, you can report back that you saw me safely to my door. I believe you’re relieved of your duties.”

“Would it kill you just to say thank you?” This woman is the most infuriating creature.

She puts her hand on her hips and gives me another menacing glare. “Gee, I don’t know, Jackson, would it have killed you to let me have some fun tonight without dragging me off like a fucking caveman the second a man got too close to me, then guilting me into accepting a ride home from you?” Her fist goes to her hip, and I swear to God the fire dancing in her eyes has my pulse quickening and the blood rushing south.

“We’re seriously back to that again? Because I don’t feel a damn bit of guilt over cockblocking that slimy asshole,” I grit out, exasperated yet turned the fuck on by her fire. This ping-ponging between lust and anger is seriously fucking with my head.

“Yes, Rosemary’s Baby, we are—“

I cut her off from whatever scathing remark was about to come out of her mouth when my arm bands around her waist, hauling her body tight to mine before leaning down and smashing my mouth against hers in a rough, scorching kiss. She tenses for just a moment before dropping her purse and looping her arms around my neck, almost climbing up my torso. Grabbing her ass, I push her into the wall next to her door as I continue my assault on her mouth, dragging desperate moans from her throat and swallowing them down. I break away from her lips only to trail hot, wet kisses down her neck as I knead the soft flesh of her round ass. The ass that’s been tantalizing me all night while she swayed and teased seductively at my club.

“Invite me in,” I growl into her soft skin as her nails score the back of my neck.

“Why? Do you need an invitation to enter someone’s home, Prince?”

I pull back and look into her eyes. Her gaze burns with the same lust and overwhelming need I’m sure are swirling in mine right now.

“Fuck, Abigail. That mouth. Let’s see what else it does other than give me a hard fucking time every goddamn day. Invite. Me. In.” I lift my hand from her ass and collar it around her throat. I don’t squeeze, just hold it there as I nip her bottom lip.

She lets out a shaky breath, her pupils dilating, almost blacking out the deep green of her eyes.

“Come in,” she whispers.

Chapter 5


Mymindisscreamingthat this is a terrible idea, but my pussy obviously has other thoughts. The almost painful need in Jackson’s voice and the determined way he demands entry to my apartment have my panties practically bursting into flames. I’m probably about to make one of the biggest mistakes of my life, and I can’t seem to find the fucks to give.

Jackson wastes no time, reaching over and opening my door. He raises his hands to my face, cupping both of my cheeks as he ravages my mouth with his and leads us through the door, slamming it shut with his foot.