Page 59 of The Other One

“Jackson?” I call out again. Nothing.

I see one of the waitstaff on a smoke break as he quickly disposes of his cigarette, obviously busted for not being where he should be by a guest.

“Don’t worry, I won’t rat you out to my mother.” I laugh, and he nervously smiles in relief. Poor kid, if I had to deal with her as a server, I would probably be lighting up too. The woman is a pain in the ass on her best day, and this wedding shit has turned her up to eleven on the bitch scale.

“Have you seen a guy out here, tall dirty-blond hair, probably a little drunker than he should be?” I laugh at my own joke seeing as I think I’m a bit drunker than I should be at the moment.

The young man shakes his head. “No, ma’am. I was the only one out here.”


I close the door and realize I’m probably going to have to enlist Beauchamps help in finding him. If he did go out into the gardens when the kid wasn’t around, Lord only knows how far he could have wandered off in his state.

When I turn around to grab the guys, Davis is making his way down the hall with a look on his face I can’t quite read, but I wouldn’t call it kind by any means.

“Hey Abby, missing something?” he says with a rude chuckle.

I roll my eyes and hold my head high, looking past him. And that’s when I hear it.

The voices are coming from the supply closet on the other side of the men’s room.

“God, you’re so hot. Let me get you out of these and we can have some real fun,” I hear a woman’s high-pitched, breathy voice.

“Mmm. Keep doing that. Fuck, that feels good,” I hear a distinctly male voice slur.

I recognize that voice. I’ve heard that voice several times over the last few days and nights murmur those same words to me.

Davis is standing in front of the door with a smarmy smile stretching across his lips. I push him out of the way and wrench the door open. What greets me is a sight I wish like hell I would never have to see again. Jackson, with his jacket hanging off his shoulders, shirt halfway undone. Champagne and vodka swirl violently in my gut as I try to comprehend the scene unfolding in front of me. The girl I recognize as one of Cesily’s bridesmaids, Everly. The same one I saw trying to hit on Jackson the other night at the bachelor/bachelorette party. Looks like gentlemen really do prefer blondes from the way he has his hands all over her fucking body.

She sees me and gasps, but it’s completely fake. She was hoping me, or someone that knows me, would walk in and see them together so I would find out. Jackson doesn’t even register he’s been caught. He’s so fucking drunk I’m surprised he can stand at this point with the way he’s swaying. I look down with disgust at Everly’s hand on his dick that’s still in his pants. He’s not even hard. Good, I hope the bastard has a raging case of whiskey dick.

Jackson finally looks at me with a dopey grin on his face, but I can tell he still doesn’t grasp what’s going on. Fucking bastard. This is just like when I caught him with the coat check girl after hitting on me. He was wasted then, too. It seems this is Jackson’s MO when he’s had too much to drink. Just find the closest available girl to fuck in a dark corner.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!” I screech at the top of my lungs.

I spin around and run into Davis’s wide chest.

“I told you he was nothing but a playboy. Tigers don’t change their stripes.”

“Well, you would know, wouldn’t you?” I look up to give him a pointed glare and see the look of satisfaction on his face.

“Are you happy to prove me right, Davis? Do you get some sick pleasure from knowing my boyfriend cheated on me like you did?” I curse my bad luck that I have to deal with two piece of shit cheaters on the same night. How is this my life right now?

Davis attempts to look contrite. “No, Abby. But this guy obviously hasn’t grown up. I have. I know what I lost, and I guarantee I wouldn’t make that mistake again.”

“Losing me or getting caught, Davis? Because from what I understand, you haven’t changed all these years later. You’re the same asshole who sticks his dick in any woman who bats her lashes at you. Only difference is, you pay for it now.”

I don’t bother to hear his reply, pushing him out of my damn way before I storm down the hallway back to my table. Julia takes one look at my face and sees the horror I’m sure is splashed across my features. I grab the glass she’s holding out of her hand and swallow the entirety of the contents. If I had to guess, it’s a vodka tonic, but I drink it so fast I don’t actually taste it.

“What the hell happened?” she asks as I continue to gulp.

“Oh, nothing much.” I slam the glass back on the table. “I just caught Jackson in the supply closet with one of my sister’s slutmaids.”

Julia’s eyes go wide as saucers as she darts her gaze to the hallway and back to me.

“I will fucking kick his Yankee ass back to Philadelphia myself. And if I can’t do it, we’ll round up Hank and Colton. He fucked with the wrong girl.”

I have no doubt Julia and her brothers could give him the beating of a lifetime. It was hard enough keeping them away from Davis when they found out he cheated on me. The only thing that saved Davis’s ass at the time was the fact that I asked them not to do anything. Truthfully, I wasn’t in love with Davis, so the betrayal, though painful, didn’t ruin me. Bruised my ego, sure, but I knew I would get over it. It was my mother and sister taking his side that fucked with my head the most.