Page 32 of The Other One

“I do not.”

“I could hardly get any sleep last night because you were sawing logs so loud. Have your neighbors never complained?”

She hits me with her pillow, knocking my head back on the bed and I laugh.

“You’re very violent in the morning.” That gets another glare before she bolts up, immediately clutching her head as she winces in pain.

“God, why did you let me drink so much last night?” she whines.

“Red, it will be a cold day in hell before Iletyou do anything.”

Abigail grunts at me as she rubs her face, trying to clear the cobwebs.

“I need coffee.” She runs her tongue over her teeth. “And a toothbrush.”

I swing my legs over to the side of the bed and stand. She’s peering at me from her side, and I don’t miss the look of lust in her eyes she tries to hide by immediately clamping her eyes shut. I’m in boxer briefs and nothing else. I wasn’t about to sleep in my clothes just because we’re sharing a bed. She’s lucky I kept my boxers on in the first place. Usually, I sleep in nothing at all.

Abigail shakes her head slightly to clear her thoughts, and I can’t help the smirk that spreads across my lips. She catches it and rolls her eyes, annoyed she’s been caught but completely unwilling to admit it.Stubborn-ass woman.

“I’m taking a shower,” she announces.

“Need help washing your back?” I ask as she heads toward the bathroom.

She shoots me a scathing look before closing the door.

“That’s anothen?“ I call to her. I don’t hear a response, just the water turning on. “I’ll call down for coffee and breakfast. Do you want anything in particular?”

I hear the shower door open and close. It’s pure torture being on this side of the door, knowing she’s naked and wet on the other side.

“I need a greasy cheeseburger and coffee,” she hollers. “Something to soak up the alcohol.”

The temptation to open the door a crack and take a peek at her in the shower is strong, but I refrain and turn away to make a call to room service. I wonder what she would do if I did though. The way she looked at me last night at the bar says she would be fine with some help in the shower, but she was drinking, and I have a feeling Abigail isn’t much of a morning person to begin with, let alone having a hangover. Nope, I’m playing the long game with her. And self-control is paramount to my end goal. She won’t have any reason to run from me when we finally get between the sheets again like she’s always done in the past.

After ordering room service and putting on a pair of sweats and a T-shirt so as not to give the staff anything to gawk at when they deliver the food, Abigail emerges from the bathroom. Her hair is wet and hangs down her back over the fluffy robe covering her naked curves. What I wouldn’t do for a small glimpse at what’s underneath.Reel it in, Hayes.

There’s a knock at the door, and I take the opportunity to adjust myself as I walk to answer it. My poor dick is in a constant state of arousal around this girl.

The food is brought in and set up on the small dining table in our room. Abigail wastes no time rushing to get to the coffee before the room service guy is even out the door. She adds one sweetener and some creamer before taking a tentative sip from her cup.

“Ah, thank you, Jesus,” she says, closing her eyes and sighing.

“My name is Jackson, and I’m the one who is responsible for your caffeine fix this morning. Not the son of God.”

She shoots me an irritated glance as she sits at the table, ready to dig into her greasy burger.

“My dad texted me while I was in the shower to let you know that tee time is eleven thirty. My sister’s luncheon starts at eleven, so I’ll just have you drop me off at the restaurant and you can take the car.” She takes a giant bite of the burger that has her eyes rolling toward the back of her head, an indecent moan escaping her delectable lips.

Ugh. I forgot about playing golf with her dad today. I would much rather stay in this room and come up with several inventive ways that would pull more moans like that from Abigail. Probably not the train of thought I should be having before golfing with her father. After seeing the way he didn’t stand up for his daughter yesterday, I’m less inclined to try to be cordial around the man.

“Sounds good. Are you sure you don’t want to keep the car though? How will you make a hasty escape if you need to?” I don’t want her stuck there if her mom starts in on her again.

“Don’t worry about me. My mom’s usually not too bad in public. The worst I’ll probably get are some stern looks. Loretta Barnes would never dream of putting herself in an embarrassing situation in public. What would the ladies in the rotary club think?” She gasps and pretends to clutch her imaginary pearls.

Laughing at her impersonation of her mother, I take a bite of my omelet. “Well, if there’s one thing I can say about this hotel, it’s that they make a damn good breakfast.”

Abigail looks at me devouring my eggs and shivers. “I can’t even imagine eating eggs.” She makes a gagging noise as she picks up her burger and takes a giant bite.

“Not an egg girl. Noted.” I’m enjoying all these little tidbits I’m finding out about her on our trip. And we’re only one day in. It makes me wonder what else I’ll discover about the gorgeous redhead sitting in front of me.