Page 70 of The Other One

I shake my head. “I don’t want it getting out, John. If everything comes out about the events of the night he drugged me, it would be embarrassing for Donovan and my family.”

John winces. “That bad?”

“Yeah,” I reply on an exhale.

He nods his head and taps his knuckles on the table. “Alright, son. But I’m going to threaten him with it and make it very clear he should be grateful for your leniency in the matter and leave it at that. How’s the hand?”

I flex my fingers several times, testing them to make sure they don’t feel broken. Not that I would know, seeing as I’ve never punched someone. “Fine, I think.”

“Okay, we’ll have you out of here soon.”

John gets up and leaves. Moments later, my brother comes in.

“Jeez, they let anyone in here, huh?” I quip with a grin sliding across my mouth.

“Hey, I can leave you here for the next few hours with nothing to do. I’d much rather be at home with Kasey than here keeping you company in the clink.” He pauses at the door as though he’s considering leaving.

I laugh and pointedly look around the small room. “This is hardly a prison cell, but I would appreciate the company, brother.”

“Good,” he says, pulling out a deck of cards. “I figured you could freshen up on your card games, you know, just in case you get sent to the big house.”

Rolling my eyes, I take the deck from him and begin shuffling. “I’m not getting arrested. Me being here is so the mayor doesn’t look too lenient.”

“I know. Honestly, I’m surprised this is the first time I’m visiting you at a police station.” He chuckles at his very unfunny joke.

“I thought you were here to keep me company, not give me a hard time,” I say while I deal cards for a game of gin rummy.

He nods. “I am. You’ve lost your sense of humor. Jail has already changed you.” He laughs again.

I narrow my eyes and bite back my smile. Even though Donovan’s comedic timing leaves a lot to be desired, I’m grateful he’s here. It wasn’t so long ago he would have been here with a lecture instead of a deck of cards.

“Shut up and play, senator.”

Chapter 25


Aftergettingbacktomy apartment, I go straight to my room, take off my dress and fall face-first onto my bed and bury my face in my pillow to let out a long, muffled scream. What the hell is going on in my life? I feel like I’m living in some sort of bad soap opera with all the drama that entails.

Cheating ex out to win me back—check.

Catching my current—whatever Jackson was—cheating on me—check.

Learning that Jackson was drugged by my ex and doesn’t remember cheating—check.

Running out of a gala during a confrontation between said ex and Jackson—check.

It’s a regular tele-fucking-novela around here.

I’m no wilting wallflower by any stretch of the imagination, but this is too much drama for anyone to wrap their head around.

Maybe I should have stayed and talked to Jackson, but at the time I was thoroughly embarrassed this was happening at all. I was supposed to be covering the event, not making headlines myself with the senator’s brother and my sleezy ex-boyfriend. Sometimes situations can only be made worse by sticking around. And honestly, I was ready to sucker punch Davis in his fucking face. He drugged my boyfriend, thinking that would somehow win me back. Fucking moron.

After the long cleansing scream fest I had with my pillow, a bath seems in order. Maybe I can wash this night off me and relax enough to figure out what to do about Jackson. This certainly changes things, but I’m not so sure I can do this anymore.

I like no drama. I like having my friends and good wine. I donotlike worrying about where my boyfriend sticks his dick when he’s not with me. Jackson was proven innocent, but that doesn’t mean I’m ready to open myself up to being hurt again. It doesn’t mean I’m ready to go all in, trusting he won’t break my heart. That wound is still fresh. I know it wasn’t his fault, but that doesn’t mean the last few days, and the image of him with another woman is suddenly erased from my mind. It may not seem fair to him, but it’s the truth, nonetheless. I need to figure out a way to reconcile all this in my head.

The bath is a good starting point. And the wine, we can’t forget about that. I pour myself a full glass before dipping into the hot water and lean my head against a folded towel, sighing out at the relief the hot water and wine give my tense muscles.