Page 69 of The Other One

“Seriously, Davis, what the hell are you doing here?” Abigail hisses out.

“Abby, I needed to see you. I hate the way we left things in Charleston. I made so many mistakes. The biggest was not marrying you.” He reaches for her hand, and she jerks it away from him.

“How did you even know I was here tonight?” she asks.

“Cesily told me you were going to be here. I want you to see how serious I am about getting back together, babe.”

Abigail scoffs, a disgusted shiver running over her. “Don’t call mebabe.”

“Look, Davis, Abigail doesn’t want anything to do with you. You need to move on. She has. This was a wasted trip,” I tell him in a low, dangerous voice.

Davis looks at me with contempt in his expression. “Oh, you think she’ll forgive you? You got wasted at her sister’s wedding and almost slept with a bridesmaid. I thought you would just make an ass out of yourself in front of her family when I slipped a little something in your drink.” He chuckles darkly. “But you really took it a step further by nearly fucking Everly.”

The lascivious smile on Davis’s face tells me he’s actually proud of drugging me.

What. The. Fuck.

Abigail looks at him with a disbelieving expression on her face. “You didn’t,” she whispers, covering her mouth with her hand. “You drugged my boyfriend?” she yells incredulously, her milky skin turning crimson with anger.

Davis looks around the room at all the people now taking a keen interest in the scene unfolding in front of them.

“Abby, it was a harmless prank.” He tries reaching for her again, but she takes a step back from him. “It was only half a dose, anyway. Can you really blame me, though? You have to know you don’t belong with him.”

Through gritted teeth, she says, “And you think I belong with you? The cheating ex who drugged the fucking competition?” she says, pointing to me, still glaring at Davis. “You’re delusional, Davis. Stay the fuck away from my family and me.” Abigail’s voice drops dangerously low as she stares Davis down through slitted eyes. “If I ever see you again, trust me when I tell you I will make sure everyone on the Eastern Seaboard knows what a colossal and complete piece of shit you are if I have to rent every billboard space between here and Florida. Go back to Charleston and crawl back in the hole you came from.” She holds his fearful gaze for another beat before she turns on her heels and marches away. Davis makes a move to go after her—this man obviously has no sense of self-preservation—until I catch him by the bicep.

“Not so fast, motherfucker.” I pull him in close, still holding him by the arm. “You had better tell me the truth right now. Did I have sex with that woman?”

When he replaces the scared look in his eyes with a haughty smirk, I think he’s going to tell me to go fuck myself, but he decides to try to insult my manhood instead. “Nah, man, you were so fucked up, I don’t think you would have been able to stand much longer, let alone get hard.” He snickers. Davis reaches over with the other arm I’m not still holding and pats my chest. “Thanks for the condoms, by the way. Ribbed for her pleasure. Everly appreciated it.”

What a goddamn sleazeball. Red clouds my vision. All I can envision is the pain in Abigail’s eyes when she found me in that closet with Everly. And this is the man responsible. Then when I was passed out in the hallway, instead of getting me help, he decides to steal the fucking condoms from my wallet.

My fist rears back, and for the first time in my life, I punch someone in the fucking face.Damn, that shit hurts, I think to myself, shaking out my hand. Blood is pouring from Davis’s nose as I loom over him, and a woman behind him screams. It’s only moments before security swarms us. Good thing, because I honestly don’t know if I would have stopped at one punch.

They help Davis off the floor, and he immediately starts screaming about assault and pressing charges. I laugh incredulously because this guy just admitted to drugging me, and now he wants to press charges against me. The team of security guards look at each other questioningly, apprehensive about calling the police because they know who I am. I feel like a complete tool thinking that, but it’s true. My family is well known and well liked in Philadelphia.

My brother rushes to me as security escorts me from the ballroom.

“What the hell happened, Jackson?” Donovan is trying to keep the anger from his face as camera flashes go off around us.

“Abigail’s ex is the one who drugged me. So, I punched him, and now he wants to press charges.” It’s a simplified version but accurate.

Two uniformed officers walk in and come over to check in with Donovan. After talking with them for a few moments, Donovan comes back to me where I’m leaning against the wall with security on either side of me. I’m still seething mad at Davis, not only for what he did to try to destroy my relationship, but for what he put my woman through.

“They want to take you to the station. You’re not being arrested, but they don’t want it to look like the rich and powerful get away with anything in their city.” He shakes his head. “I guess I should have been nicer to the mayor.”

I chuckle at the guilt playing across his face. “It’s fine, brother. We’ll handle it.”

I’m taken to the station in an unmarked police car and brought in through the back door to avoid cameras. A Hayes being arrested would surely be front-page news. Come to think of it, this will make the papers regardless. Just wait until my mom sees it.Shit.

An officer leads me into a small room with what I assume is a two-way mirror. Thankfully, I wasn’t cuffed so I don’t feel like a complete degenerate. Moments later, the police chief walks through the door. Chief Evans shakes his head, a wry smile playing on his lips.

“Really, Jackson? I was enjoying a nice Saturday night home with my wife and get called in for this?”

John Evans and his wife, Anne, have been friends with my parents since I was in diapers.

“Sorry, John. How’s Anne?”

“Fine, fine. Look, the mayor isn’t a fan of looking soft on his wealthy constituents. He wants to keep you here for a few hours to make it look like we’re looking into what happened, but Donovan already told me. We’ll talk to the Callaway boy and make sure he understands you have every right to press charges as well, including proof and witnesses to him admitting to drugging you.”