Page 66 of The Other One

“Jackson, I don’t give a shit what you think you can prove. I saw it with my own eyes. It’s not something I will ever forget or forgive you for.”

With that, I slam the door in his face and turn around to two of my best friends with tears in my eyes and a tightness in my chest I don’t know will ever lessen. Damn that man for squeezing his way between the fractured cracks of my heart.

The sound of my phone wakes me up at the ungodly hour of nine in the morning. Okay, so maybe it isn’t particularly early, but dammit, I had a long ass day yesterday, then went to bed drunk as a skunk. The girls caught a ride home with their significant others after several hours and several bottles of wine. I’m not jealous, at least I keep telling myself that. I’m thrilled for them that they found men who would do anything in their power to make them happy and keep them safe. I just wish I could find the same. I thought I had, but once again, it turns out my man picker is broken.

Reaching over to my nightstand, I blearily squint at the screen and see my sister’s name. I close my eyes for a moment, wondering if this is a call I want to answer before coffee. The phone stops ringing before I can make up my mind and I let out a small sigh of relief, letting it drop to my chest. Then it starts ringing again, nearly scaring me half to death. Again, I spy my sister’s name.

Well, shit.

“Hello,” I croak out.

“Hey, Abigail. How are you?” Cesily sounds a little nervous, like she doesn’t know how to start a conversation with me. Probably because it’s been years since she’s tried.

“Good, good. Just waking up. I thought you and Dawson would have been on your way to Bora Bora by now.” My sister’s new in-laws spared no expense for their romantic getaway.

“We leave next week. Listen, I wanted to call and apologize for the way I treated you at my shower and at the bar. I was just so stressed with the wedding and everything. I was a total bitch to you. Forgive me?”

I rub my hand over my face, not sure if this is a dream or not. My sister has never been one to apologize, especially for something like this. My finger pinches my thigh, and sure enough, I felt it. So, not a dream, but still weird.

“It’s okay, Cesily. I know it’s a stressful time. Glad everything worked out. The wedding was beautiful.”

She sighs. “It was, wasn’t it? Davis told Dawson what happened with you and Jackson. It’s just awful that he ended up living up to his reputation,” she tsks into the phone.

The mention of Davis has anger prickling down my spine.

“Yeah, well, he was all too happy for me to see it,” I reply dryly.

“He told Dawson he felt awful that you were subjected to that. Especially in front of everyone.”

Great, everyone must have been talking about it after I left. Fucking hell.

“I’m sure he did,” I scoff. “Honestly, Cesily, I don’t want to talk about Davis or Jackson right now.”

“Fair enough. It must be awful to have been so publicly embarrassed like that.”Um, ouch. “Anyhoo,” she singsongs. “Now that you’re back in Philadelphia early, what are your plans for the rest of the week?”

We’ve never been the type of sisters who indulge in chitchat like this. It’s a little unsettling, but if she’s willing to apologize and try to have some sort of relationship, I suppose I should at least meet her halfway.

“Nothing much today. I need to do some research on the charity event I’m covering tomorrow night at The Ben. The nonprofit holding it is spotlighting a couple animal shelters in the area and throwing a huge event to raise money for them.”

“Oh, that sounds fancy. It must be nice to get all dressed up and be paid to cover these things. The life of a reporter sounds fun,” she says cheerily into the phone.

It’s not a bad gig for sure, but there’s a little more to it than that. I’m not exactly in the frame of mind to educate my sister on everything that goes into my job, so I just hum in agreement.

“Well, listen, Abigail. I have to get going. I still have some packing to do.”

“Okay. Have a great time on your trip and thank you for calling.”

“Of course. That’s what sisters do.” She says it as though I would be crazy to think otherwise.

We hang up, and I close my eyes. That was weird, right? Cesily has never called me to apologize for anything she did or said in regard to Davis, so I’m confused about why she did it now. These are questions for another time. After I’ve had a vat of coffee and showered away this hangover.

Chapter 24


I’veresistedthegnawingurge to call Abigail all day. She made it clear last night that she wants nothing to do with me. This isn’t the end though. It can’t be. I’m still a little hazy on the events at the wedding, but I know damn well something happened that was beyond my control. There is no way in my right mind I would have ever dreamed of being with someone else. Abigail is everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman. I’d be the idiot of the century to throw that away.

This morning was a total waste, thinking I could throw myself into working at the club and taking care of everything I’ve missed since I was gone for a few days. By one o’clock, my business partner sent me home. I guess he was tired of me spacing out and having to recount the liquor inventory for the third time. It’s something I could have had the bar manager do, but I was hoping it would take my mind off Abigail. Unfortunately, it didn’t work, and he had to do it anyway. I wouldn’t have trusted myself with doing an accurate job either.