Page 3 of The Other One


Well,thatwentspectacularlyawful. God, this entire night went sideways in a brutal and heartbreaking way. Why did I agree to go to a bar with Lindsey and Abigail tonight? I mean, I know why I went. Two reasons, actually. One, there was no way I was going to let Lindsey go by herself. Since the kidnapping, she’s turned into the sister I never knew I wanted, but here we are. Two, Abigail. We don’t get along. Not by a long shot, but there is something that I get from being around her. Maybe it’s the way she meets me insult for insult. I never imagined myself a masochist, but I can’t say I don’t enjoy it immensely. Maybe it’s the way she has never been impressed by the Hayes name. I’ve had enough clout chasers to last a lifetime. Or it could be the challenge I find her to be. Never let it be said I don’t enjoy a good challenge. Doesn’t matter though. That girl hates the air I breathe.

The fact that I kissed her in the middle of an argument?Stupid move, Hayes.I kind of want to punch my own face right now. But dammit, I had to taste the fire coming from her. I should have known she wasn’t going to receive it well. I’ve never had any indication to the contrary.

Fuck, this is going to make things awkward now in our little group. She’s definitely going to run to Lindsey and Kasey with this story, I’m sure painting me as the bad guy. That’s all I am to her. I can’t touch her again. Simple, right? I’ll forget about the few brief moments when my arms were around her and I got to taste her mouth for the first time. I can absolutely forget about the way she squirmed against my hard cock that was doing its damnedest to punch a hole through my slacks to get to her. I’ll surely forget about the way she felt molded to my chest like that’s where she belonged. We’ll go back to the status quo. No problem.

“Okay, brother, let me know how he’s doing when you get there.” I hang up the phone with Donovan and scrub a hand over my face.Shit.Aiden’s mission in Columbia went south in a big way. Now he’s at a hospital in Costa Rica having surgery to repair some internal bleeding. Fuck. How is Lindsey going to deal with this? She may not have admitted it yet, but she is head over heels in love with the guy. She could have chosen worse. After punching me in the face, he did buy me a drink and apologize after all. At least he can admit when he’s wrong. It’s something I’m getting better at. Maybe. Or maybe not according to a certain redhead, but hey, I’m a work in progress.

Abigail and I haven’t spoken since that night. I figure I’ll just see her when I see her and take it as it comes. My face is still healing, so I’d rather not have the other side bruised if she’s still pissed at me.

After sending Lindsey a quick text to let her know I’m here if she needs me, I get ready for my day and head to my club. Most people think that running a club means I only work nights and while I am here more nights than not, the business side of things is handled in daylight, the pleasure side is for after dark.

Club Noir doesn’t look that much different during the day than it does in the evening. There aren’t any windows to let light in, so it always maintains the mysterious, sexy element that my partners and I strive for. The only difference is the lack of warm bodies.

To say my brother was irritated with the fact that I bought a sex club is putting it mildly. I thought he was going to explode when he found out, that little vein in his forehead visibly pulsing like I’d never seen before. What he didn’t understand at the time was I would never be the type of man to follow the path laid before me like he did. I don’t fault him in the least for following in our father’s footsteps, but politics was never going to be my calling, nor was running some Fortune 500 company. I like things a little darker, a little more outside the box, shall we say.

I dabbled in the kinky side of sex during my college years. Of course, being part of the rich kid fraternity at UPenn, there was never a shortage of parties or girls willing to do all kinds of things to themselves and others with an audience. It was exciting and new and something I definitely explored in and outside of the frat house. I learned I liked public sex, group sex, rough sex, soft sex, basically all sex as long as it was consensual and everyone was having a good time. I never boxed myself into one or two kinks. If a girl had a particular taste, I was always willing to indulge, realizing that it was the giving and receiving of pleasure that got me off. There’s little I’m not willing to experiment with as long as I see nothing but absolute pleasure on my partner’s face, knowing I put it there.Maybe my ego is my kink.

Not long after going through invoices and double-checking inventory—lube is not something you want to run out of in a sex club—I’m ready to head home. I’m just gathering my things when a text pops up on my phone.

She-Devil: Did you hear anything about Aiden?

I’ve had Abigail’s number for months. Ever since the incident with my stalker and Lindsey’s kidnapping, I’ve texted her periodically to check on Lindsey or Kasey when she and my brother weren’t speaking, but this is the first time she’s initiated any conversation with me.

Me: Nothing yet. But I’m sure we’ll get an update when there is one.

She-Devil: Keep me posted please.

Me: Sure thing Chucky

She-Devil: Fuck off Prince

And just like that, we’re back to normal. Well, normal for us.

I get the call to come to Costa Rica from my brother. Aiden is out of the hospital and since my brother rented the house they’re staying at for another week, we decide to make it a family affair. Of course, when I walk up the steps into the private jet Donovan chartered, I realize that “family time” includes Abigail.

She looks up from whatever trashy tabloid she’s reading and gives me a quick glare before licking her finger and turning the page.

“Should have known you would be here. And here I thought I’d have an entire plane ride in luxury all to myself,” she snarks.

Walking to the bar and pouring myself a finger of scotch that was so helpfully stocked by the flight attendant, I turn to where the Mistress of Satan herself is sitting. “Chucky, so nice to see you too. I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am at the thought of spending a week with you. You know, because I’m not.”

She rolls her eyes but doesn’t glance up from her magazine.

“Let’s just pretend the other person isn’t here. I think it’s the only way I’ll be able to keep my lunch in my stomach,” she says.

I sit down in a seat on the other side of the aisle and buckle in. “Fine by me.”

Soon, the plane is getting ready to depart. I take a look at Abigail just as we begin to take off and see her eyes squeezed shut while her hands clutch the armrests. So, my little She-Devil has a fear of flying, huh?

“I would have thought you would be used to flying, what with that broom of yours.” Snickering, I take a sip of my scotch.

Her jaw clenches even tighter than I would have thought possible, considering I could practically hear her molars cracking earlier.

“Oh, you mean the one I’m about to shove up your ass if you don’t shut up?”

“Oh, ass play. Why Chucky, I didn’t think you had it in you.”