Page 62 of The Fragile One

Lindsey’s face blanches at the statement, and I shoot Liam an irritated scowl. He looks sheepish for all of three seconds, then shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders. He’s not really one to feel bad about whatever comes out of his mouth or who hears.

“Well, old friend, I’m glad you’re doing okay. Guess this wouldn’t be the best time to try to convince you to come work for me on a permanent basis?” He lifts his brows, hoping my answer will be different than every other time he’s asked.

Lindsey gives me a questioning look. She’s trying hard not to appear like she’s about to throw up at the idea of me doing this again, but I know my girl too well. I give her a smile and another squeeze.

“Answer’s the same as always. I’m good with what I have,” I tell him.

Liam shrugs, completely unsurprised by my answer.

“Can’t blame me for trying. See ya around, mate.” Liam nods his head at us in goodbye.

He exits the room, but Lindsey is still a bit stiff in my arms.

“Are you sure working for Donovan is enough for you? I’m not saying what you do for him isn’t important, but you got to be a hero again.” Asking the question is hard for her. It’s apparent she’s afraid of my answer. Honestly, I wondered the same thing during the mission. But the memory of seeing Lindsey’s face as I flew through the air, unsure if I would ever see her smile again, made up my mind for me then and there.

“Sunshine, there is no part of me that wants to be without you or put you through that worry again. I’ll leave the commando shit to Liam,” I reassure her, kissing her forehead.

She lets out the breath she was holding onto waiting for my answer. The tension leaks out of her as she cuddles into me just a little closer.

“Lindsey, I’m so damn proud of you for coming here. It couldn’t have been easy for you.”

“I wasn’t about to not be with you, Aiden. You never left my door when I was in the hospital. I know it’s probably not the same thing, but—”

I cut her off. “I knew from the moment I saw those pictures of you I would do anything in my power to make sure you were safe and happy again, Sunshine. If standing at your door helped you in the least, I was happy to do it.”

“Then I’m happy to be here, too.”

She leans up and kisses me softly, but it’s not enough. I want to feel her fire, her passion. I move to deepen the kiss just as the nurse comes through the door.

“You’re supposed to be resting, Mr. Clarke,” the nurse scolds.

Lindsey turns her head into my neck, embarrassed by having been caught. She moves from the bed, and I’m immediately irritated with the nurse for her horrible timing. This nurse and Liam apparently have a lot in common.

“You’re healing well, but let’s not overdo it, yes?” The nurse quirks a brow, but her chastising is softened by her slight smile.

“How long until I’m out of here?” I ask impatiently. I need to be alone with Lindsey without these constant interruptions.

“That’s up to your doctors,” the nurse replies. She takes my vitals before writing something on my chart and leaves the room.

When the doctor comes back later in the day, I ask him the same question. He assures me, barring infection from the surgery or complications from the concussion I had, it should be only a few days. Thank fuck.

Donovan and Kasey bring us dinner later that evening and I make Lindsey promise me she’ll leave with them, so she can get some rest in an actual bed. She isn’t happy about it, rolling her eyes at the suggestion.

“I’m fine here with you,” she argues.

“I know, baby, but it would make me feel better if you went to the house and at least had a few hours of actual rest. I hate seeing you uncomfortable. And to be honest with you, you need a shower.” I wrinkle my nose, which makes her giggle and swat my arm. She actually smells amazing, sweet and sunshine rolled into one.

“Kasey did say the house has an amazing kitchen. Maybe I’ll make you a home-cooked meal and bring it to you in the morning,” she says.

I look at her seriously.

“Please don’t. I’m trying to get out of the hospital,” I groan, pretending to be sickened by the idea.

Lindsey rolls her eyes and kisses me on the mouth.

“Glad your injuries aren’t affecting your sense of humor. Jerk.”

Grabbing her neck, I pull her face to mine and give her a kiss that is in no way appropriate for her sister to see.