Page 51 of The Fragile One

My mind is reeling. South America?

“What do you mean by trade?” I have a sinking feeling I know what’s about to come out of his mouth, and I know I’m going to hate it.

“Drug dealers. The poor guy was only trying to make things better, safer for his people, and these guys want him to back off.”

South American drug dealers?

I jump from my chair and begin pacing the living room, the half-eaten sandwich sitting like lead in my stomach.

“You can’t be serious, Aiden. You want to go to South America and what? Storm some compound where there are real bad guys with very real machine guns? No. That’s crazy. And dangerous. You can’t be serious.” Hysteria is quickly rising in me making my voice high pitched and screechy.

He gives me a reassuring look. He can try to placate me all he wants, but he isn’t going to go play commando in some foreign country where I’m sure he’ll have no backup except whoever Liam takes with them. Everyone knows that a lot of these places are ruled by criminals and drug lords. That’s exactly where it sounds like they’d be going. It’s not as though local law enforcement is very helpful, especially if this guy contacted Liam to help him.

“Sunshine, Liam and I are trained to do this sort of thing. Will it be dangerous? Yes. But I promise I will come back to you when it’s all over.” He folds his hands together on the table and straightens his spine with confidence.

I stop my nervous pacing and turn to him, irritated that he can be so cavalier about his safety. Like I’m just some dumb blonde he can pat on the head and offer a few reassuring words to, as if that’s enough to assuage my fears.

My hands go to my hips as I glare at him. “Don’t try to placate me, Aiden. I know how easily this can blow up in your face. You can’t do this.” My voice turns pleading instead of angry. “Please. I don’t want to lose you. I can’t.”

How can he expect me to be okay with him wanting to do this? He’s been playing it safe these last several years, running security for rich guys here in the States. He can’t possibly think it’s a good idea to go traipsing to some other country where the law doesn’t protect the good guys trying to rescue someone. They protect whoever lines their pockets with the most cash. I used to put myself in dangerous situations with my job, too, but goddammit, look where that got me.

“Lindsey, you have to understand. I gave Liam my word that I would help him. He’s counting on me. If I don’t go, he’ll be a man short, which puts everyone at more risk. I can’t do that to him. I won’t.”

Is he seriously trying to convince me this is okay?

“But you can leave me? You can do this to me? You’re willing to put yourself in a situation where you could get hurt, or worse, and leave me alone?” My voice rises in anger again as he refuses to see reason. I may sound completely selfish, but I can’t find it in myself to care right now. What he’s talking about is insane. And to think I’ve been calling myself the crazy one these last few months.

“I’m not leaving you. I’ll be back, Sunshine.”

“You can’t guarantee that, though, can you?” My voice is getting louder by the second and I can tell Aiden’s patience is getting thinner.

“Lindsey, I’m going. I gave my word, and that’s that. You may not get why I have to do this, but Liam and I served together. We always had each other’s back. When you went missing, he was the first person I called to help find you because I know he’s the best at this sort of thing. The man didn’t sleep until you were safe. I refuse to back out. I can’t believe you would honestly expect me to. If you know anything about me, you know I keep my word.” His voice is imploring me to understand, but he also leaves no room for argument.

“Don’t you dare turn this on me. I want you safe. How am I suddenly the bad guy? I don’t accept that.” I stand tall, firm in my stance on the subject.

Aiden rises from his chair and walks to the couch, grabbing his shoes on the way.

“I need to go talk to Donovan about a couple of campaign events he has planned. I expect I’ll be going sooner rather than later, and I want to make sure everyone is up to speed.” His movements are jerky and angry as he ties his laces.

I stare at him wide-eyed and absolutely boiling with rage.

“You’re seriously just going to leave. We’re in the middle of talking about this.” I throw my hands up in exasperation.

“No. You’re in the middle of yelling at me about this and refusing to listen to reason. I’m not going to change my mind and you refuse to understand that I have to do this.”

“Why? Because you gave your word to a friend you hardly see when your girlfriend is begging you to stay home where it’s safe?” Facing him, I hold my hands out at my sides, imploring him to be reasonable.

He lifts his head to look at me with hurt in his eyes.

“If you knew me at all, you would understand that I would never go back on my word. Especially with this much at stake. I honestly thought you would understand me better than that,” he says softly, disappointment lacing his words.

He shakes his head as he stands and walks to the door, flinging it open, then slamming it shut behind him with just as much anger and frustration as I’m feeling right now.

Well, welcome home to me.

Chapter nineteen
