Page 36 of The Fragile One

“Where is she?” I bark at him.

He looks at me, knowing exactly who I’m talking about.

“She’s still holed up in the bathroom. Her friend is in there keeping an eye on her, but she won’t let anyone help her. She stopped screaming, and now she’s just sitting on the floor.”

I make my way to the bathroom, again pushing through the crowd gathered outside the door to see the show. Fucking vultures.

After walking into the small space, I feel my heart crack at what I find. Lindsey is on the floor with her knees to her chin, hiding her face. Abigail is standing next to her, but not close enough to touch, giving Lindsey her space so she doesn’t feel trapped. I quickly walk over to her and kneel beside her. She doesn’t lash out at me, so I take a chance and gently place my hand on her shoulder.

“Sunshine,” I say in a hushed tone. “Can you hear me? Come back to me, baby.”

She lifts her head and peers at me through red, swollen eyes, tear tracks running down her beautiful face. “Aiden?”

Her voice is broken and the terrified look in her eyes has my heart splintering into a million pieces.What the hell happened to her?

She allows me to pull her into my arms and holds on tightly like she did the night I found her in the basement of Helen’s house, like she’s afraid if she lets up, I’ll disappear.

Lindsey’s trembling in my hold, and I faintly hear Abigail apologizing over and over, but I pay her no attention. All my focus is on the scared girl in my arms and getting her to safety.

“I’m going to get you out of here, okay? Let’s go home,” I gently whisper in her ear. Lifting her as I stand, she buries her head in my neck, still trying to hide. We make it out to the car, and I buckle her in before jogging to the driver’s side. Abigail and Jackson follow me out, standing on the sidewalk, watching me with matching sorrowful expressions.

“We’ll follow you. I have a car here,” Abigail says to me.

“I don’t think that’s a great idea. Lindsey needs rest, and I don’t have anything to say to you two,” I reply curtly as I wrench open the driver’s side door, still furious they allowed Lindsey to put herself in this situation.

“No offense, Aiden, but I don’t give a damn what you say. I love that girl like a sister. I’m following you.” Abigail has bigger balls than most men, I’ll give her that.

“Suit yourself,” I acquiesce before slamming my door.

She gives a firm nod and she and Jackson head toward where I assume her car is parked.

“We’ll be home in just a few minutes, Sunshine, then we can put this night behind us.”

Lindsey is looking out the window, but her blank stare tells she really isn’t seeing anything. Goddamn it. I’d give anything to know where her head is right now, but I’m not going to force her to talk. At least not yet. The short ride home is silent, my emotions volleying between being fucking relieved she let me get her home to being confused and angry that she was there in the first place.

When we get back to the apartment, Abigail pulls up behind me and gets out of her car as I round the front of mine to open Lindsey’s door. I release the seatbelt and lift her in my arms. She just stared out the window the entire ride home, not sparing me a glance. I don’t think she’s catatonic, but fuck, she isn’t far off at this point.

“Aiden, I’m—“

I shoot Abigail a look that shuts her up. She can see in my reproachful scowl that this isn’t the time to have a conversation. I need to get Lindsey in my bed and feeling safe.

After entering the apartment, I head straight for my room and lay her on my comforter. I open one of my drawers and grab a T-shirt to change her into. She isn’t saying anything yet, so I lift her shirt over her head and toss it aside. She turns her head toward me and stares expressionlessly. I don’t see any light in her beautiful blue eyes and to be honest, I’m almost worried enough to call her therapist for an emergency session.

“I got it,” she whispers, looking away from me.

Lindsey takes the shirt from my hand and changes out of her outfit, situating herself under the covers and curling up on one side. Away from me. Climbing in behind her, fully clothed and over the blanket, I wrap my arm around her, pulling her back to my chest. The trembling has stopped, but now there is an eerie stillness to her.

“I’m sorry,” she tells me emotionlessly.

“Shhh. You have nothing to be sorry for.” I breathe in her sweet scent, needing the reassurance that she’s home and safe. Hopefully being in my arms is giving her the same reassurance.

After holding her for several silent minutes, her breaths even out as she finally succumbs to her exhaustion. I pray she’s able to find some peace in slumber. Carefully, I untangle my arms from her and move off the bed slowly, so as not to wake her.

When I make my way into the living room, Abigail and Jackson stand from the couch. Their eyes are on me as I walk to the kitchen to grab some water. I take a long pull from the plastic bottle, wishing I had something stronger, but if I start drinking now, who the hell knows what will fly out of my mouth at these two.

Abigail has the courage to speak first.

“Aiden, I’m so sorry. She had been doing so well and was so excited about her progress, I honestly thought when she suggested going, she was ready. I questioned it at first, but she was so adamant about it. I had no idea that something would set her off like that. She was determined to feel normal, be normal.” Her voice is soft and remorseful.