Page 33 of The Fragile One

“I have an appointment with my therapist today, but after that, I’m free as a bird. Care to take a drive later?” The last time I was in the car was when I freaked out and had to have my sister bring me home. I never shared that story with Aiden, so I don’t know if he understands what a big step this is for me.

“That sounds great. Maybe we can drive out in the country and make use of the back seat.” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, giving me a hopeful smile.

“And you call me insatiable.” I give him a quick kiss on the mouth and head in to get ready for my call.

“That wasn’t a no,” he yells after me.

Of course it wasn’t. Like I would ever say no to this man.

Dr. Thomason is surprised by the turn of events of yesterday and with the recent development in Aiden’s and my relationship.

“Lindsey, this all sounds great, but be careful and make sure you’re thinking things through instead of jumping in headfirst in any situation. Often when we start to feel better, we push ourselves too far too fast, then have a setback.”

She’s an expert in her field, but this isn’t really the advice I want to hear right now. That’s always been the problem, though, not telling people things because I don’t like to be told to do something different.

“I’m listening and thinking things through beforehand. Promise. But things are really starting to turn around. For real, not just because I want them to. This thing with Aiden reminds me I’m a strong woman. A survivor. I’m ready to stop hiding out because of fear of things that haven’t happened yet.” I actually feel as confident as my voice sounds. The whole fake it ’til you make it philosophy is finally paying off.

“It sounds like you’re heading in the right direction. I’m happy for you, Lindsey, truly. We’ve done a lot of work these last few months to get you here. This is the goal, after all.”

Well, apparently opening up and having a rational, adult conversation about what’s really going on in my life, doesn’t necessarily get me shut down.Huh, who knew?

“Okay, so we’ll talk next week. Have a great weekend, Lindsey.”

“You too, Dr. Thomason.”

We end the call and I feel better, lighter. Like this normal, adult life is within reach.

I walk into the kitchen and find Aiden has made a little breakfast.

“Figured we could eat, then head out.” Thank God this man cooks.

“Are those baconandsausage burritos?“ My mouth waters from the delicious aroma of all the breakfast meat.

“Nothing’s too good for my girl.” He winks as he hands me a plate, and I devour the burrito in less than a minute. What can I say, we worked up an appetite this morning.

“All right, let’s get going, Sunshine. I want to see you in the country.” Aiden takes my plate and coffee mug, setting them in the sink to be dealt with later.

“Bring a blanket with us, just in case,” I tell him.

“Why? It’s a beautiful day.” He shoots me a questioning look.

“Yes, but I’m not sure we’ll have all the room I need in your back seat.” Giving him a suggestive little wink, he laughs.

“I like the way your mind works, Sunshine.”

It’s been a week since the drive and life has been amazing. I’m sure the constant flow of orgasms has helped. No panic attacks, and Aiden and I have been taking walks every evening. We switch up our route and I still feel just as safe as the first time we had an outing. My sister even drove me to my last therapy appointment. To Dr. Thomason’s actual office. When I asked Dr. Thomason if we could give in person a shot, it thrilled her that I was willing to try, seeing as my last attempt ended horrifically.

“Okay, I’ll talk to her about it. I know. Take care of your girl.” Aiden is walking into the apartment with his cell to his ear after picking up a few things for dinner. It’s Friday night and I’m looking forward to a naked weekend with my man. Although, that really isn’t any different from any other night we have together.

“What’s going on, babe?” I ask. His brows are drawn together as he sends a text on his phone.

“One of the guys on my team has a sick daughter at home, and she was supposed to stay at his sister’s house this weekend. His sister has little ones at home too, so he doesn’t want her getting the other kids sick. He was supposed to run point on Donovan’s campaign stop. He asked if I could cover.” As he sets the groceries on the kitchen counter, I see the worry in his eyes.

Crap, sounds like naked weekend plans are out.

“Of course you can. She needs her daddy and her own bed if she isn’t feeling good.” I know that always helped me feel better when I was little.

“You know what? I’ll see if Abigail can come stay with me. It’s been a while since we’ve had a wine night,” I tell him. While I’m sad about the idea of not getting to see him for a few days, I’m excited for the opportunity to have some much needed girl time with Abigail.