Page 43 of The Fragile One

That’s another thing about Liam. His “clients” aren’t always above board.

“Nothing like what you’re thinking. He’s a wealthy guy in government trying to do something for the people. Others aren’t taking too kindly to his ideals,” he explains.

I give Liam a dubious look.

“Scout’s honor.” He holds up three fingers.

I scoff. “You were never a Boy Scout.”

“Eh, semantics.” He lifts one shoulder while an impertinent smile crosses his features.

“Listen, Liam, I would help you, but I have a lot going on right now. I don’t really have time to play commando.” Things like trying to figure out how the hell to get my girl back when she’s lost all hope for her future.

“Yes. He has a lot of groveling to do around here,” Jackson decides to chime in. Just when I was starting not to hate him.

“Aiden, it wasn’t too long ago I helped you out with a certain blonde who was kidnapped. I did that because of our history. I’m asking the same from you.” Of course, he had to go in for the guilt trip when I didn’t jump at his request.

“What is that history exactly?” Jackson asks.

Liam and I look at each other, then at Jackson, giving him the very accurate impression that neither of us are going to say anything about it.

“Okaaaay.” Jackson faces forward and sips his whiskey, correctly reading the signs that he won’t be getting the story.

“You usually have an entire team already in place. Who’s out?” I ask.

“One of my guys is recovering from an injury. Skydiving accident,” Liam replies.Yeah right.

I have zero doubt the accident happened on a job and had nothing to do with skydiving for fun. Those things happen when Liam is involved.

“Let’s say I go on this mission with you. Do you know where in South America or how long we’ll be gone? Do you know anything about the people who have this girl?” Why am I even entertaining this idea?

“I’ve got my man working on an exact location, and as far as being gone? Well, I suppose that depends on how well we do our job, now doesn’t it? These guys aren’t people anyone should fuck with, which makes it perfect for us.” He gives me a wide smile, which tells me he doesn’t have a doubt in his mind that he’s the best at what he does. That may be true, but I haven’t done a job like this in several years, not since my military days, and I didn’t have someone waiting for me at home. Or at least I didn’t have someone I wanted waiting for me.

Fuck, he did drop everything to help with Lindsey, and I do owe him. I knew in the back of my mind he would come to collect at some point. But I was so wrapped up in the whirlwind known as Lindsey, it never occurred to me he would call in the marker. I certainly didn’t have the intention of reminding Liam of the debt.

I let out a breath and lower my head, thinking of all the things I would have to do to get ready. Namely, tell Lindsey I would be leaving. She may not care one way or the other, but I have to at least say goodbye. It may be over in her mind right now, but not for me. Donovan isn’t going to be too happy losing his security specialist for an unknown amount of time, either. I’m not like Liam. I can’t just drop it all to run a job like this.

“I have to think about it. It’s not that I don’t want to help, Liam. Honestly. A lot of shit needs to be in place before I can even think about taking off. Responsibilities and such.” Plus, my head is in a fucked-up place right now. Going on a rescue mission might not be the best thing to do right now. Not when lives are on the line. Mine included.

“I understand. Truly. And I wouldn’t ask if I had someone else that I could think of.” He has a pleading look on his face. I hate seeing it knowing this is something I’m more than capable of helping him with.

“What about your brother? I heard he was in the States these days.” Though I didn’t serve with Liam’s brother, he was a Royal Marine and got out a couple years after Liam. Last I heard, he was into some not quite legal dealings with a motorcycle club. He had the same training as Liam and me. Surely a little trip to South America would be right up his alley.

“Aye, but he’s about as reliable as this one here.” Liam gestures to Jackson and rolls his eyes.

“Fuck you very much, Liam. I believe I was the one who cracked the case that brought Lindsey home.” Jackson sniffs, then takes another sip of his drink, obviously offended by Liam’s somewhat fair assessment.

“True, but you were the one who caused the problem in the first place, no? I do believe it wasyourstalker and a string of sex clubs involved,“ Liam tells him.

Jackson is visibly angry at him for bringing that up. Whether he’s feeling responsible or just bothered by the fact that Liam is calling him out is anyone’s guess. Although when it comes to Lindsey, he has demonstrated time and again that he feels a sort of brotherly responsibility toward her.

“No offense, mate. Just an observation,” Liam tells Jackson.

“Well, offense taken,” Jackson replies.

Jackson turns to me after throwing some cash on the bar.

“I’m going to head out. Good luck with Lindsey and Abigail.” With that, he nods and gives Liam a scathing look before walking out.