Page 98 of Scoring Wilder

I jumped and waved, and his grin widened even further. He pointed up at me and I felt like a tween staring at her heartthrob onstage. A few of the ladies in the rows in front of us spun around to see who he was pointing at and my cheeks flushed. My entire team was squealing and I just shook my head and covered my cheeks with my hands. Most of my teammates had figured out that Liam and I were dating by that point, especially since he’d slept at the house last night, but it still felt like I was on display for everyone.

The second goal he scored, he did the same thing and this time the cameraman working the jumbotrons was quick enough to follow his finger. It didn't help that the announcer knew who I was. He announced me and the rest of my team to the entire stadium.

Cue complete meltdown from embarrassment.

After that, I secretly hoped that Liam wouldn't score another goal for the rest of the game. We'd win without it and I couldn't bare another flood of unwanted attention. Yes, that makes me slightly evil, but c’mon.

"I think every woman in this stadium wants to kill you right now," Becca laughed as I slid down lower in my seat.

I shot her a pointed stare. "You aren't helping."

When the full-time whistle blew and the LA Stars won, the crowd celebrated and cheered. It was the perfect game to start their season off.

Coach Davis gathered us all together at the top of the stairs. "Let's go down to where the players convene after the game. I think it'd be fun to show our support for Liam and the rest of the team," she said, glancing quickly toward me with a twinkle in her eye.

We were not the only fans with the same idea. They had metal barriers and security guards in place outside the stadium. Fans could stand behind the barriers and wait for the players to head out after meeting the press and finishing post-game protocol. Our team was crowded close to the entrance, next to the players’ family and friends. I recognized a few of the other women from the industry event the night before, but Penn’s ex was nowhere in sight.

After a long twenty minutes the players started trickling out. Josh exited with a few of the other rookies, but he couldn't see me behind all of my other team members. Becca and I had strategically stayed near the back of the crowd, and I knew we'd made the right decision when Penn walked out looking handsome in a dark grey button-down and slacks.

His bag was thrown over his shoulder casually as he eyed the crowd with his dark brown stare. He kept walking until he saw our small group, and then his gaze landed directly on Becca. She stiffened next to me, but made no move to walk toward him. He paused off to the side and stood, clearly waiting for her. A few fans took the opportunity to get autographs from him and he kindly obliged, but his gaze never left Becca for long.

Jeez, even I was sweating under his stare. How could Becca resist even one more a second?

He wasn't going to give up and I secretly wanted to give him a high five. If he wanted her to feel special and prove to her that his ex didn't matter, he was starting out on the right foot.

For an awkward ten minutes, Penn stood there, waiting for Becca and talking to fans, and Becca just stood by my side. Eventually Penn called for her and our teammates gaped at her. She shrugged and crossed her arms as if to say, I don't know who this ‘Becca’ person is.

I mashed my lips together to conceal my smile just as Liam finally surfaced through the doors. Oh good god. He was freshly showered and his hair was styled back. He had on navy slacks and a white button-down rolled up his forearms. He was devastatingly handsome and I couldn't pull my attention away from him as I watched him sign autographs and take a few photos. He slowly made his way to Penn even though the crowd was screaming for him to come closer to where they were.

He patted his friend's shoulder and whispered something that made Penn shrug.

Then finally his gaze found mine, and he winked, slow and devious, as if he couldn't help exuding pure sex appeal.

And there went my panties instantly in flames. Damnit.

I didn't care what Becca wanted anymore, I wrapped my hand around her bicep and pulled her forward until we were face to face with the boys.

"Great game," I said with a broad smile.

"Yes it was. Are you ready to go?" Liam asked, eyeing the security guard next to us so that he'd know to open the gate. A few of the other players were joining their families and girlfriends as well so it seemed like standard protocol. "My car’s parked in the lot back here with the rest of the players'."