Page 92 of Scoring Wilder

"Oh," he nodded, eyeing Liam behind me, "I see. Well I hope you enjoy yourself. Maybe I'll find you on the dance floor later?" he asked with a hopeful glint in his eye. At that precise moment I felt Liam's hand wrap around my back, even as he continued his conversation with the other guest. The man was dominant and ready to piss all over his territory to say the least. I decided to push his limits.

"Of course, Brian. We'll dance later." I could feel Liam shifting toward me just before he cut in.

"Actually, I was about to take you there right now, Kinsley," Liam answered, taking my champagne glass and depositing it on the nearest table.

Chapter Twenty-Three

"You wanted my attention, and now you have it." Liam smiled handsomely as he twirled me onto the dance floor.

"Hmm, maybe I wanted a dance with Brian," I teased with a devilish stare.

"Over my dead body, baby," he joked as he wrapped his arms around my waist. A slow song played over the speaker system.

"I thought you guys were old teammates?" I asked with a quizzical brow.

Liam's gaze swept over me. "That has nothing to do with him dancing with you while you're wearing that dress."

"It's not that bad," I challenged as he spun me out gently and then rolled me back in. He was an experienced dancer and I found it impossibly easy to follow his lead.

His hand fell back into place on the skin just at the base of my spine.

He smirked confidently and shook his head. "My hand is two inches above your thong. This dress should be burned."

"It's loose!" I laughed and he tipped me back, placing a warm kiss on my neck before dragging me back up.

Liam shook his head playfully.

One song transitioned into another and a few more guests joined us on the dance floor.

"I'm excited to see you play tomorrow." I smiled and wrapped my hands together behind his neck.

"It'll be a good match. Am I allowed to come to your scrimmage next week?"

I drew my head back so that I could look up into his eyes. "How'd you know about that?"

He cocked a brow. "I checked the ULA schedule. I'm not going to miss one of your games if I can help it."

I mashed my lips together and let my head fall against his chest. I don't know why the idea of him checking my soccer schedule seemed romantic, but it was. It showed how supportive he was of me and my team.

"Yes. You can come," I murmured.

We enjoyed the next few songs and I stayed in that world with him. Every now and then he'd spin and dip me, and I couldn't help the laughter that overtook me at his playfulness. As each song passed, the space between our two bodies seemed to lessen. His hands drifted up and down my back. His lips would skim my mouth, my neck, and my cheek whenever he could get away with it. I was slowly crumbling to pieces and he was the orchestrator of my demise.

"So much for keeping a low profile," I murmured, not truly upset at all.

He shrugged. "I have no problem with everyone in this room knowing that you're with me."

"Mmm, we'll see what they write about us in the papers tomorrow," I teased just as I saw Becca run by the dance floor. She was blocked by dancers, but I followed her path, and when she almost disappeared around the corner toward the restrooms, I finally saw her face was red and splotchy.

"Oh, no. Becca's crying," I murmured, pulling out of Liam's hands.

"Did you see her?" he asked, spinning toward the direction of my gaze.

"She was heading toward the bathroom. I should go check on her." I turned back toward him, resting my hand on his arm. "I'll come find you after. Okay?"

He nodded, but his eyes were narrowed. "Go see if she's all right."

I spun through the other dancers and rushed to the bathroom. At first I thought the room was empty, but then I saw that the last stall was closed, and when I stepped closer, I heard muffled crying.

I tapped on the door. "Becca?"

"Kinsley?" she asked, hopeful.

"Yes, open the door and let me in."

A moment later, the latch slid across and she propped the stall door open enough for me to slide in behind her.

"Becca, what's wrong? Are you okay? Did Penn do something?" I asked as she leaned back against the wall and hid her face in her hands.

Becca tried to take a deep breath, but a small sniffle broke through.

"Penn's ex is here."

I sucked in a sharp breath.

"Okay… that's okay," I answered, stepping toward her and bending forward so I could try and see her face. "Did you see her? Did Penn point her out to you?"

I wasn’t connecting why she was crying yet. Was she just upset about the fact that his ex was here? I'd hate to see Liam's ex, but this seemed like more.