Page 83 of Scoring Wilder

I winked over my shoulder, feeling bold and beautiful after his constant stream of compliments in the shower. "Technically, they're your clothes." I said, moving toward the door.

He grinned wickedly, ditched his shirt, and made to chase after me. Damn his soccer training. He was much faster than I was. I ran down his hall laughing as I dodged his hands, then I hid behind the couch, faking to dodge left and right. He called my bluff and caught me as I tried to run away.

"Mercy!" I squealed as he wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up.

He was setting me back down to my feet when Becca and Penn walked in. Becca eyed us curiously, but Penn just laughed and shook his head.

"What the hell have you two been doing while we've been changing?" Becca laughed.

I winked. "Playing chase. I'm much faster than Liam."

He wrapped his hand around my waist and squeezed. "Maybe you should train me then."

I laughed and pushed him away with my hand. "Yeah, yeah. Did you guys bring any movies?"

Penn held up three DVDs. "I brought Shawshank Redemption, 300, and Boondock Saints."

Becca and I both cracked up. "You are such a guy, Penn."

"I don't think my options are any better," Liam admitted, rubbing the back of his hair with his hand.

"C'mon Becca, let's go check out Liam's stash while the boys make the popcorn."

"Did you guys bring your own candy? Because I'm not sharing," Liam called behind us.

The second we rounded the corner toward Liam's movie room, I put my hands on Becca's shoulder and silently squealed up and down. She joined in and soon we looked like two crazy people jumping and spinning in a dark hallway.

"This is a dream, right? We're going to wake up tomorrow in the house and I'm going to be wearing my onesie," Becca whispered as we kept walking.

"No. This is definitely happening, my friend." I smiled so wide my cheeks hurt.

"Sorry we took so long changing. Penn was a little distracted. We may have rounded a few bases."

I threw her a shocked glance as we pushed through the door to the movie room. He'd pointed it out to me earlier, but of course we hadn't actually been inside. No detail was forgotten inside the room. There were giant plush recliners in the first two rows and then two rows of couches behind it. They were wide and overflowing with fluffy pillows. The screen was obscenely large and there was a fancy-looking projector mounted on the far back wall.

Beneath the projector there were shelves upon shelves of movies.

"Wait, how many bases did you guys skip?" I asked as soon as the door was closed.

Becca couldn't wipe the smile off her face. "Well, let's say he knows what I taste like."

I started cracking up. "BECCA!"

"What?! You did it to Liam... in his office no less!"

"I know, I know. I'm just... wow. Has a guy done that to you before?"

She bit her lip. "No, but now I'm wondering why the hell I waited so long."

We started cracking up again and I couldn't stop with the giddy squeals. Eventually we tried to look through Liam's movie collection, but it wasn't very successful.

"I'm not sure how long we have until they get here, but the second we get home tomorrow, I have about one million questions for you," Becca whispered. We could hear the boys laughing down the hall and it sounded like they were heading our way.

"I'll try and help, but seriously I'm not much more experienced than you are," I shrugged.

Becca nodded. "We'll break out 50 shades. It should give us some answers."

“Yeah, like how to get flogged while wearing a ball gag,” I joked.

“True. Maybe we should stick to Judy Blume’s books.”

I shoved her arm playfully just as the boys strolled in. Their arms were filled with drinks and snacks.

"Did you guys find something to watch?" Penn asked.

Becca and I glanced from each other, down to our empty hands, then back to the shelf. "Ummm..." Becca mumbled.

I reached forward and grabbed the first movie I touched: Wedding Crashers.

"Oops… haven't we all seen this one?" I asked, holding it up. Everyone nodded, but Liam grabbed it out of my hand and went to pop it into the spaceship-quality projector system.

"That's good, we'll probably end up talking through it anyway," he shrugged. He had a point. With four people that were all hyped up on sexual tension, we probably wouldn't be paying attention to the movie for very long.

All four of us could have fit comfortably on one couch, but Becca and Penn took the couch closest to the screen and Liam and I scooted onto the back one. The previews started to play as I adjusted on my seat and spread a blanket that felt like a cloud over my lap. Liam narrowed his eyes on me playfully and tugged the blanket onto him as well. It wasn't that big, probably because it was made of virgin baby sheep’s wool, so I had to scoot closer to him. Thank you, tiny blanket.