Page 30 of Scoring Wilder

"All right, let's go! You're driving!" Becca declared as she slipped on strappy brown sandals. I could have argued that we should take a cab, but I didn't really mind not drinking. I'd have a beer or something when we first got there and then take it easy the rest of the night. Last week’s hangover was still fresh in my mind.

“Bye Emily, my sweet Minnesota gemstone,” I called out as we passed her room. For once she was putting away her computer in an effort to hump the real thing. Her boyfriend, David, had arrived last night and they hadn’t left the room other than to replenish their liquids.

Becca pressed her hand against Emily’s door and shouted, “Tell slutty David that he better wine and dine you after all this Skype sex you’ve been giving him!”

“GUYS! HE CAN HEAR YOU!” she yelled before something thudded against her door.

We giggled all the way to my car.

"Did you steal that dress from a small baby?" Becca asked as we hopped in and I turned the key in the ignition.

"What?! It's not that short," I argued.

Becca pinched my arm. "I mean… it could fit my big toe, but yeah, it's really cute. Just don't bend over or sit down at the party."

"I thought you wanted me to show off my Brazilian?"

"Touché," Becca laughed. "You look good... I bet Liam will love the dress."

I turned the music up to drown out anymore of her conversation. Her casual hints about Liam were getting more and more constant, and I knew she was trying to eventually wear me down so I'd tell her how I felt.

My plan was to avoid that conversation for as long as I could.

We parked a few houses down and linked arms to head inside. The house was supposed to be less crowded than it was for the previous party. Most of the underclassmen girls were staying in or heading to parties around the ULA campus. Becca and I got invited through my old club soccer friends… and Josh. Blech.

There was music blaring from an invisible sound system, and the second we walked in, I relaxed. I didn't immediately see Josh or Liam, so for now I could pretend like they didn't exist.


I turned toward my name and saw the group of soccer girls that had invited me.

"Hey everyone! This is Becca," I introduced her, and then we stayed in their group for a while, catching up and chatting about practices. A few of them were playing soccer for colleges around the area, so we’d play them sometime this season.

"I need a drink," Becca whispered in my ear.

"I'll come with you," I said to her, and then turned to the group. "We'll be back in a little bit, we're going to go find drinks!"

I let Becca lead me through the crowd as I kept my eyes peeled for Liam or Josh. We hadn’t found either of them by the time we reached the backyard, but I was too distracted by the fact that it looked like an adult Disneyland back there. In the center there was a giant pool with couples floating around and a group playing volleyball. To the left of the pool there were half a dozen tables set up for king’s cup and beer pong, but the games hadn’t started to pick up yet.

We wandered around until we found the keg station. There was a guy manning it that smiled wide as soon as we strolled up.

"Ladies," he said, pulling out two red cups for us.

"Just a little bit for me," I motioned with my pointer finger and thumb.

"Aww, that's no fun," he pouted and started to fill my cup.

"I'm driving," I shrugged.

"Is this your job for the entire night?" Becca asked.

He shot her a confident smile. "I get a break in a little bit. Do you two want to play beer pong?"

I wanted to say no, but I could tell Becca was interested in the guy. "Sure, why not," I shrugged, giving Becca a knowing glance.

"Awesome. I'll meet you two over there. I'm Jace by the way," he said before filling Becca's cup.

We introduced ourselves and his eyes lit up.

"From the ULA soccer team?" he asked, and I could see Becca blushing.

"Yeah, we're freshmen on the team," I mentioned.

He looked a bit baffled. "Does Liam know you guys are here?"

His question annoyed me. What did it matter? We were allowed to go to parties. He didn't own the place. "I haven't seen him yet, so probably not," I answered with confidence. "We'll be over by the beer pong tables."

He walked away to help more people and I tugged Becca's hand, accidentally sloshing some of her beer onto the front of her dress.

“Oh, oops!”

“Kinsley!” Becca cried, looking down at the spill. “This is a freaking white dress and now you can completely see my boob!”