Page 17 of Scoring Wilder

"No kidding. I could use a day at the spa when I get out of this thing,” I said, trying to sound nonchalant while simultaneously seeing if my comment had any effect on him.

He arched his dark brow as his eyes scanned down my outfit once more. When he looked at me like that it felt very inappropriate. Maybe it was just the way my body reacted to him. Damnit, he was distracting me. I was supposed to be Nancy Drew, and instead I was Nancy Draw-the-blinds-and-put-it-in-me. Wait, what?

“Girls are much more creative than guys when it comes to hazing. I think we just had to run a lot and prove we could drink a six pack without puking.”

I laughed. “That doesn’t seem so bad. I can run for days.”

“Yeah, but you’re kind of a lightweight,” he said with a smile.

“Hey! I had four shots before I got to the party on Saturday.”

He smirked a private little smirk that made my knees weak.

“Okay, so maybe I can’t handle a six pack, but do you think you could handle this outfit?” I asked, grabbing the hem of my yellow tutu between my fingers.

He cocked a brow, his eyes studying the exposed skin between my tutu and long soccer socks before he pulled his gaze away with a hard expression. It seemed like he was fighting against his urge to look at my body.

Oh god, what were we doing? I gulped and moved passed him toward the conference room before he could reply. Being alone with him was a bad idea, like playing around water when you can’t swim.

"There's our snitch," Tara declared as I walked into the room with Liam on my heels.

I glanced up at him as I took my seat beside Becca. His jaw was clenched and he'd furrowed his brows as if contemplating something. A moment later, Coach Davis walked in and Liam stepped back against the wall and crossed his arms.

"Ah, ladies, you're looking ridiculous this morning. I'm assuming this is all in good fun, Tara?" she asked with a hard stare.

"Absolutely! Just a little fun way to welcome the rookies," Tara answered. Did Coach Davis actually believe her? I mean, none of us looked like we were having any fun at all. The rookie that was dressed up as broomstick couldn’t even sit down.

"All right, let's just make sure that it doesn't interfere with practice or I'll need everyone to change into other workout clothes."

As if to make the situation worse, today was the first day we split up into position exercises, which meant that Becca and Emily were on the other side of the field and I was left with Tara, Sofie, Liam, and a few other upperclassmen. We were quite a motley crew.

"I think out of everyone, we did the best job making you look ridiculous, Kinsley," Sofie commented with a wicked smile.

Liam was setting up cones and hadn't heard her comment so I was left standing there trying to push aside my temper.

"I completely agree. She looks hideous," Tara commented.

"All right guys—" I began, taking a step toward the dynamic duo.

"Tara," Liam stated from behind me, "my first piece of advice for you is to learn how to be in a leadership role without letting it go to your head."

Oh shit, he'd heard her.

"The team thrives off of your leadership, so if you want to keep treating the underclassmen like shit, that’s fine, just be prepared for a long, mediocre season,” he paused and his grey eyes met mine, “… after all, having chemistry on a team is much more important than people realize.”

Woah. Was I imagining a glint in his eye and the sex swing suddenly hanging from a tree beside the field?

When he turned to go set up more cones, Tara locked her eyes on me and I knew that Liam had just made my life ten thousand times worse. That's what guys don't understand. He thought he nipped the problem in the bud, but in reality he had just poured lighter fluid all over me and handed Tara a lit match. Light er’ up, boys.

A few minutes later, I was waiting for my turn when Liam spoke, "You should let me know if she keeps tormenting you.” I was the last person in line, and the girl in front of me was midway through her drill.

"I think it might make it worse, but thanks," I nodded, moving to take my turn.

He nodded, keeping his lips pressed together in a thin line, before adding, "And you definitely don't look hideous."

I paused, trying to think of how to respond. The way his dark tone had emphasized the words made it perfectly clear what he meant— what he was trying to tell me without passing any invisible boundaries.

Holy shit. Liam Wilder, the sexiest and most out-of-my-league man, just told me I was not hideous. I’ll take the compliment, thank you very much.