Page 96 of Scoring Wilder

My initial instinct was to imagine the worst: he was cheating on me. I was just as foolish as Becca, and Liam was playing me. After all, experience had proved that when it came to relationships, my worst fears were usually correct.

I sat on the edge of my bed and I let myself scroll through the photos of him from the event on all of the tabloid websites. That one picture was the only one where he was standing with the girl. But, there were surprisingly quite a few of him and me. We were standing on the side of the red carpet, chatting in the ballroom, and wrapped around one another on the dance floor. All of the feelings from last night rushed back in like a crashing wave, and I knew I wouldn't hold that one photo against him.

I could either assume the worst or assume that Liam was watching out for me, that he was better than Trey and Josh. He'd done nothing but prove his trustworthiness, and I wasn't going to punish him for something he had no control over. I knew firsthand how quickly the media could spin a story, so I closed the web page and shutdown my laptop. When I glanced down at my phone, I saw a text from Liam.

Liam: My agent just alerted me to a photo circulating that has me posing with Penn and some random girl. It's bullshit. That girl came up to our group when I was laying into Penn and the photographer came around to snap a picture. I was not with her. I can't talk now, I'm at a press thing, but I'll call you when I'm done.

Kinsley: No, Liam it's fine. You came to my house last night. I trust you.

Liam: This kind of thing will happen, but I'll always be honest with you. That shit with Penn is not how I operate.

I sighed as I read his text. I knew I did the right thing by ignoring the gossip. Liam had a big day ahead of him and he didn't need drama from our relationship adding stress.

Kinsley: I know what I signed up for, Wilder.

Liam: No regrets?

Kinsley: Not when I think about how you looked in that suit last night... ;)

Liam: Don't start. I'm about to have to speak in a few minutes.

Kinsley: So I shouldn't tell you that I'm about to hop in the shower? Oops, there go my panties.

Liam: ... you're coming home with me after the game tonight.

Kinsley: Maybe I have plans with the team after?

Liam: Had. Cancel.

I smiled at his smug confidence as I threw my phone onto my bed. I'd lied about showering. I was going on a run and then I'd shower and get ready for the game later. I dragged Becca out with me knowing the exercise would make her feel better. I had no clue where her head was at. She'd told me that Penn had called her several times since last night, and she'd ignored them all.

"I'm just not ready to talk to him yet. I keep going back and forth between being angry and sad, and I don't want to cry when I finally face him," she explained as we started our cool down after our run.

"That makes sense. Give yourself a little time."

She sighed and propped her hands on her head so she could take deeper breaths. "I just wish I wasn't going to see him at the game tonight."

"Maybe it'll be good," I pointed out. "You'll see him, but you won't be able to talk to him since he'll be on the field. You can prepare yourself for when you do actually come face to face with him again."

After that, I decided to keep my mouth shut. Becca was torn; she'd have to figure out what she wanted to do on her own and I'd support her decision no matter what. Unless, of course, she wanted to swear off men and join a convent. Nun robes were just a short slippery slope away from her current onesies.

"What's with the oversized purse?" Becca asked as we got out of her car at the soccer stadium.

I blushed. "Um, Liam wanted me to come home with him after the game. I'm not 100% sure that I am, but I figured I should be prepared just in case." I hadn't packed much, just a change of clothes. It all fit discreetly in my bag so that it hopefully didn't appear too desperate.

"He's a good one, Kinsley," Becca offered with a timid smile.

The rest of our team was waiting in the designated spot outside the stadium, and once everyone had arrived, Coach Davis led us down to our seats in our matching black shirts. The stadium was huge and already packed with crazed fans, but we were given priority seating just behind the player's friends and families.