“Do you think it will help?”

She shrugs, tugging on the edge of her T-shirt. “I don’t know. At the very least, it might help me play the part I’m supposed to play. Might help me tap into the feral creature I heard Kai call me the other day.” She laughs, but it doesn’t reach her eyes.

“He wasn’t insulting you or else…”

She waves my concern away. “No, that’s not what I’m upset about. I just worry about you, and I don’t know what to expect. Things are starting to be okay again, and of course, something has to come along and ruin it. I’m starting to think I’m not built for happy endings.”

I heave out of the chair, skirt my desk, and hold out my hand for her to take. “Let’s go shopping, Angel.”

As we leave the penthouse and head to the car, Kai following close behind, I think she’s relieved to be outside. While I fear exposing her to the opportunity for kidnapping or worse…she seems to need this.

It only takes a few minutes to maneuver the traffic and pull up outside a little boutique I’ve frequented many times. On the way, I texted to ask them to clear the place out and close for us. The privacy will make us both feel better.

I leave Kai in the car, and we both head into the shop, locking the glass door behind as we enter.

Tricia, the shop owner, melts out of the decorative curtained alcoves to lead us back to the dressing room salon area she sets up for her VIP clients.

I don’t bother waiting for her to ask what we want but launch right in with orders. “Coffee and tea for us, please. And bring us everything you have in her size. Then leave us to choose.”

As if she’s accustomed to strange shopping habits, she gives us a little nod and heads out to her inventory with her assistants.

“This is so weird,” Valentina whispers beside me, her hand tucked tight into my own.

I lead her to a long gray couch against the far wall, unbutton my suit jacket, and sit. “It might be weird, but it definitely adds a bit of fun to something that can be very boring.”

Her forehead wrinkles in that cute way I love when she’s thinking hard. “I never really got to go shopping a lot. My father only really splurged on new clothes when they were going to be seen by important people.”

I get a little pang in my chest and squeeze her fingers for a moment. “You can buy anything you like, and I won’t be shy about insisting you buy anything I like too.”

Her gaze flashes to mine as her cheeks redden. “Not here,” she whispers loudly.

I chuckle and lean forward as one of the shop assistants deposits a tray on the table in front of me. Without a word, she goes to find her boss and leaves us to our own devices.

“Tea?” I ask, offering her the tiny porcelain cup, already knowing she’ll want it.

She gently grips the glass and cups the saucer from underneath. “Thank you. Although, I wish I could have coffee right now.”

“Do you want me to pour a cup?”

She shakes her head. “No, I want to hold off on caffeine for a while, at least until we get the all clear from the doctor.”

“From everything I’ve read so far, you can have up to a certain amount per day,” I say, pouring some milk into my own coffee.

She stiffens beside me, and I glance at her. “What?”

“You’ve been reading up about pregnancy?”

I try not to be offended by the surprise in her voice. “Why wouldn’t I be researching? I’ll be a new father just as much as you’ll be a new mother. Besides, it’s my privilege to care for you right now, and I intend to do an excellent job of it.”

Tricia and the others return carrying stacks of items and laying them out on the tables her assistants cart in. “Is there anything else we can do for you?”

I shake my head. “We’ve got it from here. Please don’t disturb us until I text you again.”

They all flee the room and close the curtains behind them to give us some privacy. I set my mug on the table, rise, and start digging through the clothing while she finishes her tea.

I select things I want to see her wear, as well as pieces she’ll probably feel the most confident in, and bring them over to her on the couch. They are all lovely shades of jewel tones: garnet, black, silver, and forest green.

“They are beautiful,” she says, shifting the hangers to look at each piece.

“Do you want to take a look and decide for yourself?”

She shakes her head, her eyes roving over the details on everything I’ve picked. “I feel like you chose exactly what I would have liked. Maybe you missed your calling as a fashion designer.”