Page 41 of Deeper You Dig

“What do you wanna do, donateallyour money?” Hustler asks. “What’re you gonna fix up your hog with, then?”

Before they start bickering, I slap the table again.

Z lifts his hand. “Downstate can host the next event, so the whole burden doesn’t fall on you guys.”

“But we have the nicer clubhouse,” Rav protests.

“Yeah, I’m cool with Ravage doing it,” Butcher offers.

Rock sighs.

“Jigsaw,” I say, wanting to return to his suggestion. “What do you have in mind?”

“Uh, I don’t know.” He taps his fingers against the table like he’s wishing he never opened his mouth. “It just seems people only think about donating stuff around holidays and people need stuff all year round.”

“We’ll think on it,” Rooster promises, leaning over to tap Jiggy’s shoulder with his fist.

“We need to do a better job with the guest list,” Teller says. “Couple people there showed some disrespect to our ol’ ladies and it wasn’t cool.”

Shelby lifts her hand. “I can confirm that one.”

I flick my gaze to Ravage and smirk. His eyes widen. Rock gave me the short version of what went down. It explained why Ravage has been going to great lengths to avoid Hope all week long.

Under my stare, Ravage yanks his boots off the table and sits upright in his chair. “Yup, yup. We’ll look into the guest list.”

I glance farther down the table at Grinder. “Any thoughts, Father Grumpy?”

Grinder sits back and crosses his arms over his chest. “Keep calling me that, fucker. You’re gonna find out how grumpy I can get.”

“I think we’re all aware,” Z says.

“I’m with Mister Mouth.” Grinder points at Teller. “Ran into a few folks who didn’t seem to know how to act right.”

Serena sits back and rubs her baby bump. Her forehead wrinkles for a second and she seems to be taking deep breaths.

“You okay, Serena?” I ask.

“Yes,” she answers quietly.

“What’s wrong,” Grinder murmurs to her. The two of them bow their heads and whisper to each other.

Rock claps his hands to take the attention off of them. “Any other suggestions? Murphy, you’ve been awfully quiet.”

“We missed most of the party.” Murphy shrugs. “But what we saw looked good.” He glances at Heidi and raises an eyebrow.

“The new place is really great, Rav,” Heidi adds with more enthusiasm than her husband. “I hope you saved all those decorations. The graveyard was perfect.”

“We did!” Ravage sits up. “All boxed up in the basement for next year.”

“Wrath?” Rock asks. “Thoughts?”

“You gonna let us borrow Furious again?” Dex asks.

The answer’s yes. But I pretend to think it over. “I might be open to it.”

Trinity smacks my leg. “You loved it.”

“I loved your decorations.” I nod to Bricks and farther down the table where Scribbles is sitting. “Jake and I made sure all your artwork was safely stored for next year.”