Page 24 of Deeper You Dig

“See?” Jigsaw winks at me and shoots a smug grin at Z.

Z grabs me by the hips and yanks me forward. “Trust me. He’s not that deep.”

I rest my hands on his shoulders and lean in closer. “I think you underestimate him sometimes,” I say in a low voice.

He pulls me closer and bends down to whisper in my ear, “I fucking love you, Siren.”

Suddenly, the October breeze seems impossibly hot.

“Can’t you two go fornicate elsewhere? This is a children’s event,” Jiggy says.

Hope smacks his shoulder.

“What the fuck’s going on out here?” Wrath bellows from behind us.

Z backs away but keeps his arms around my waist. “Just teaching my road captain a lesson in respect.”

I roll my eyes.

“Well, teach him a lesson in manning his pumpkin carving station.” Wrath jabs an angry finger toward the empty booth. “I want all those pumpkins out of my parking lot by tonight.”

“I wanna pumpkin!” Chance jumps up and down.

His excitement renews Grace’s interest in the activities, and she squirms for Hope to set her down.

I capture Chance’s hand before he can run off. “Hold Grace’s hand,” I tell him.

Jiggy steps by us, giving Z a wide berth. Chance tugs and squirms to get loose from me.

“Follow Uncle Jigsaw,” I say.

Hanging onto Grace, Chance throws me a look I interpret as “duh, where else would we go” and follows Jiggy. Just in case, Wrath trails behind them.

They stop to inspect the pumpkins.

“You’re really okay?” Z asks, reclaiming my attention.

“Yes, you overprotective caveman.”

“You say that like it’s an insult.”

Hope titters with laughter. “I think I peed my pantaloons when he recited that creepy poem.”

I burst out laughing. “Pantaloons? Jesus, Hope.”

“Poem?” Rock lifts an eyebrow.

“Jigsaw’s full of surprises,” Z groans. “I swear, every day I unlock some new, ghoulish factoid about him.”

“I think,” I poke Z in the chest, “he’s blossoming under your leadership. Sway didn’t appreciate his uniqueness. Now, Jigsaw feels freer to be himself.”

Hope lets out a low whistle. “You really need to return to politics, Lilly.”

“That’s some amazing bullshit,” Z agrees.

I grin at both of them. “Spin wasn’t my specialty.”

“You’re damn good at it, though,” Rock says, taking Hope’s hand. The two of them head for the pumpkins, leaving us alone.