Page 22 of Deeper You Dig

But it’s Hope and Lilly who find me first. This could be fun.

Or get me killed.

“What the hell?” Hope gasps.

I slowly lift my arms over my head and recite a version of the creepy Halloween poem I’ve used for years.

“Halloween time the dead arise,

Demons will play tricks with your eyes,

Goblins of every shape give chase,

Scream all you want, there's no escape!”

I jump down, landing in front of the girls with a thud.

They let out short, shrill screams.

I point a finger at them and shuffle closer.

The hay in my costume scratches some intimate places but I continue zombie-walking toward them.

“Jigsaw!” Lilly yelps. “Dammit, is that you?”

I cackle with glee and run after them, bowlegged and spilling hay everywhere. Satan help me, I’m trying hard not to covet my president’s wife, but Lilly’s curves are insane.

A thought I’ll take with me to the grave.

I’m close enough to tap their shoulders when Hope stops dead, spins around, and charges me.

Shit, wasn’t expecting that.

She yanks the hat off my head and squints up at me. “You nut! Why would you do that to us?”

“Are you looking for a better answer than, it’s Halloween?” I hold my hands up to the sky and shrug. “Tricks or treats.”

“You didn’tofferus any treats.” Hope’s laughter betrays the scolding tone I think she wanted.

Lilly’s clutching her chest and laughing. “You almost gave me a heart attack.”

Guilt stabs between my ribs. Truly scaring them wasn’t the goal.

“I was waiting for Rooster, but you two delicious little morsels were too tempting to pass up.” I glance around at the crowded parking lot. “Plus, you came the closest to me. And why should the kids have all the fun?”

“How long were you planning to hang up there?” Hope asks.

“As long as it took.” The rig actually has a small platform, so it’s not like I was reallyhanging. I’ve endured worse for far less noble reasons.

“Jiggy, what the hell?” Z shouts, jogging over the blacktop.

Oh shit.

Punishment due.

“Gotta run, ladies!” I rip off my costume pants, brush off the hay and sprint toward the next parking lot. My bike’s parked in front of Wrath’s gym. Maybe I can circle around the building and make my escape.

Z’s boots thunder behind me.