Page 17 of Deeper You Dig

As the intensity of our conversation dies down, Charlotte sneaks up behind Marcel and wraps her arms around his waist, pressing her cheek against his back. “Are you giving your father lip?” she asks in a teasing voice.

“Yes,” I answer at the same time Marcel answers, “No.”

Charlotte’s red lips curl into a knowing smile. Thank Buddha this woman is—for some reason—charmed by all of my son’s irritating qualities.

“I was explaining tomy president,” Marcel drags out the words, “that I have better things to do tonight than watch Ravage get his dick sucked by every muffler bunny in the tri-state area?”

Charlotte wrinkles her nose. “Everybunny? Surely some of them have higher standards?”

I snort and focus my attention on her. “You doing all right, Charlotte?”

She nods and squeezes Marcel one last time before releasing him and rubbing her hand over her belly. “I feel good, actually. I even have my costume picked out for tonight.”

Marcel’s eyes widen and he turns toward her. “You do?”

“Yup. Heidi came up with it. Green dress.” She rubs her stomach again. “I’m going to attach two light green circles on my belly and go as ‘peas in a pod.’”

Much-needed laughter bursts out of me. “Nice.”

“You need us to stop by the new clubhouse, right?” Charlotte asks. “I’m looking forward to getting out of the house for at least a few minutes.”

I poke Marcel’s chest. “You should be ashamed of yourself. Trying to use your wife to get out of tonight.”

Charlotte’s jaw drops and she turns toward Marcel. “What? Why? You know I want to go and see everyone.”

Have fun with that, knucklehead.

Serves him right for being such a pain in my ass.

Satisfied Charlotte will chew him out, I stalk over to the maze and surprise Grace by scooping her into my arms and kissing her cheek.

“You’re not going to give me trouble when you’re older, are you?” I murmur against her ear.

“Nooooo, Da-da.” She wraps her arms around my neck and hugs tight enough to squeeze most of my irritation away.

“All good?” Hope asks quietly, stepping up behind Grace and resting a hand on her back.

“We came to an understanding.”

The corners of her mouth curl. “I’m sure.” She flicks her gaze at Teller and Charlotte. “Well, he’s still standing and breathing, so that’s good.”

“Where are your granny glasses, Hope?” Charlotte calls out.

Laughing, Hope squeezes my arm as she leaves to talk to Charlotte.

“Pop-pop!” Alexa shouts about two seconds before she plows into my leg.

Grace wriggles, wanting to get down and play. The girls hold hands and scamper toward the hay bales. Alexa helps Grace climb on top of one and like the mush they’ve turned me into, I pull out my phone to snap a bunch of photos.Family time.Exactly what I need before dealing with more club bullshit later.

Balance.Life’s all about balance.



Good God,what hell did I unleash on my gym? We’re not even open yet but bikes, trucks, and Trinity’s Jeep fill up the parking lot next door. My parking lot is full of a maze of hay bales taller than I am. And a scarecrow. What the fuck? Scarecrows in the middle of Empire. Fucking ridiculous.

I stop and send Trinity a text, letting her know I’m here.