Page 12 of Deeper You Dig

“She’s still with Rock?”

I grind my teeth, annoyed she’d even ask. “They’re very happy together.” Hope wouldn’t appreciate me telling Sophie anything about her marriage, so I keep it to the bare minimum.

“That’s good.” The corners of her mouth turn down. “I guess you two are pretty tight now, huh?”

“I guess.”

She bites her lip and shifts her gaze to the patio door. “Look, whatever I did when I was drinking, I don’t…remember.” She touches her fingers to her forehead lightly. “Alex said you were living in California for a while? I…I don’t remember. I’m sorry, though.”

I blow out a long breath. Should I be happy she has no memory of the conversation that, in my mind, ended our friendship? Probably. If she doesn’t remember, that means she couldn’t have told my brother. But I’m not quite sure I believe her when she says she has no memory of it.

Senator Kelly’s long dead. I don’t ever want Sophie to put the pieces together and think Z had something to do with the murder. And I really don’t want my brother to suspect anything.

I paste on a bigger smile. “I understand. Apology accepted.” In a softer voice, I add, “You look good. I’m happy for you.”

She lets out a relieved breath. “Thank you. I don’t want there to be weirdness, you know, between us.”

“No weirdness,” I confirm, then laugh. “Well, besides the ideaanyonewould want to date my brother.”

She blinks, then realizes I’m kidding and laughs with me. “He’s a force of nature.”

It certainly seems Alex has been supportive of Sophie. “You could say that.”

“So.” She swings her arms at her sides like she’s shaking off the awkwardness. “Are you guys staying?”

“Can’t. I told Alex, we have something in Empire that starts in a little bit.”

“Club stuff?” She raises her eyebrows.

I open my mouth to explain it’s a charity event, then think better of it. What if she wants to tag along? I’m not ready for that. “Yes,” I say, hoping that squelches any desire to attend.

She nods. “I think we’re staying in, watching horror movies, and handing out candy.” A soft smile flickers over her mouth as if she’s content with a quiet night on what used to be her favorite party holiday. The thought makes me…happy. Maybe she really has changed.

“Sounds perfect. We did that last weekend to get in the Halloween spirit.”

We chat for a few more minutes. Nothing of significance. It’s nice to catch up and let go of some of the hurt and anger I’d been holding onto.

The sliding glass door rumbles open and Alex steps out. “Everything okay?”

What’d he think we were going to do, have a catfight on the lawn?

“Great!” Sophie’s voice is full of a bit more cheer than necessary.

“All good,” I agree.

“I need to run inside.” Sophie squeezes Alex’s arm on her way in the door.

My brother slides the door closed and shoves his hands in his pockets. Guilt crawls over his face. “I didn’t mean to ambush you but I’m glad you finally know.”

“You could’ve mentioned it.” I lean in and lightly punch his arm.

“Hey, your other friend got married,” he chuckles.

I stare at him, surprised he’d say something so stupid. “You better never say that to Sophie,” I warn.

I may have reservations about having Sophie back inmylife, but that doesn’t mean I want my brother to treat her like she’s some second runner-up in the Alex’s affection contest.

“I’m kidding, Lilly.” He shakes his head. “You know we…it’s always been Sophie.”