Page 9 of Fire Touched

Elijah doesn’t look back, trusting us to follow their laws and customs. I twist my mouth, trying to decide what to do. Only Killian waits for me. The others slowly press on, their gazes wandering.

I slowly lower myself to pet the deer. Something I’ve never done before. The deer immediately presses her nose into my palm, like a house pet. ‘You’re not prey here, are you, little one?’

The creature nuzzles up to me, fearless.

Killian arches a brow. ‘I never knew this about Terran.’ He lowers himself to the deer’s other side, holding out his hand. ‘Is it strange I think the animal, well, stupid for trusting us?’

I shake my head, thinking the same. But after less than a minute, I know I don’t want to harm her. I brush a hand over her ears.

‘Come on,’ Elijah calls.

The deer gives my mate a swift, affectionate headbutt to his knee, then leaps off, back to her business. I rise, blinking, the encounter sitting with me strangely.

Elijah leads us through the sweeping grounds of Terran. We come upon a scattering of old brick buildings, many of them beautiful, covered with varying plants, as though Earth herself is embracing every stone and brick within her domain.

We pass through villages, and finally meet a handful of Earth Pack guards. They incline their heads to Elijah, their gazes sliding to his hand firmly in Moira’s, then meet us. Their varying hues of green and brown eyes widen when they notice our foreign colouring from the Fire and Water Packs, but they don’t object.

My mouth drops open as we crest the hill. The Alpha Estate is like something out of a historical romance novel, ancient and immovable, rises twin, stone staircases leading up to the main building, a tall structure looming over us, dusted with grime and age, but no less stunning. I have to tilt my head back to take it all in. Sunlight flares off the floor to ceiling windows on the ground floor, vines and ivy climbing up the great walls on either side. The lawns are dotted with neatly trimmed topiaries, each tree and bush perfectly manicured, as though the Earth herself shows pride in such things. I glance at Elijah. A look of peace settles over his features.

Before any of us can move to start up the stairs, a group of people—each dressed in shades of green and brown—come gliding gracefully toward us, led by one particularly large man who beams upon seeing us.

‘Dad!’ Elijah is swept up into a hug by the big guy—who I might worry would crush me in such an embrace.

Moira smiles, taking the stranger in.

Big Guy sets Elijah down, his hand lingering on his son’s head, brushing over his shoulders. It’s clear they care for each other. ‘You’ve been gone too long, Son. Who’s all this?’

The man has the same friendly countenance as Elijah. His hair is a few shades lighter than his son’s, but still brown, soft and earthy. His eyes are pale green, and sparkle when he smiles. Though the smile slides as he takes us in, realising who we are. His hand tightens on Elijah’s shoulder. ‘Who are these people?’

‘It’s fine, Dad. This’—he detaches himself from his father and takes Moira’s hand. I watch her discomfort ease the moment they touch—‘is Moira. She’s Fire Pack, and she’s my mate.’ The proud smile on his face warms my heart.

Moira inclines her head politely. ‘It’s an honour to meet you, sir.’

Elijah’s father takes a moment, his gaze travelling over her. ‘Son, are you… are you sure?’

I feel more than see the flash of hurt from Moira, and I want to take her other hand, but this moment is just for her and Elijah.

‘Yes,’ he says firmly, his gaze locked on his father’s.

‘Mm.’ The Second takes a step forward. Ever so gently, he touches Moira’s chin to get her to look up at him. ‘A Fire wolf.’ His gaze sweeps over her again. ‘Well, she is lovely, Elijah. Moira, yes? It’s nice to meet you. I’m Prescott.’ Finally, his gaze settles on the rest of us. ‘And these people?’

Elijah hugs Moira close and gestures to each of us. ‘This is Moira’s best friend, Katherine, her mate, Killian—the son of the Fire Pack alpha—and our friends Carter and Ella.’

Prescott’s gaze flicks to Killian, then finds the others. ‘Son, you brought Water Pack here? Your mate, I can understand…’ His gaze meets mine. ‘I’m sorry, this is just… unusual.’

I square my shoulders. ‘Your son is our friend, and he’s offered us help. Julian is chasing Carter and myself. We’re in danger.’

Prescott’s mouth thins. ‘While you have my sympathy, young wolf, did you think it wise to bring that danger here?’

I don’t have an answer. Fear and guilt swirl in my belly.

‘Why not go to Cinder, your home?’ Prescott’s gaze lands on Killian. ‘Son of the alpha. I haven’t seen you since you were a pup.’

Killian blinks. ‘I didn’t realise we’d met.’

Prescott gives a tight smile. He grasps his son’s shoulder. ‘I know you’re trying to do right by these people, Elijah, but I cannot officially allow this without speaking to Verron.’ His gaze falls on Moira. ‘Except your mate. She can stay,’ he adds softly.

Moira reaches out and takes my hand. ‘Not without her.’