It’s been a long day of packing and preparing to leave. I’m glad I haven’t been doing this alone, as I’m packing for all six of us, but some have definitely been more helpful than others. I toss a pair of folded socks at Moira, who is still lounging on my bed, her nose in a book.
She barely registers the attack and keeps reading.
‘Moira, you could be helping!’ I snipe.
Ella has been organising supplies with Prescott and he’s arranged six fold-up, rainproof tents, a few days’ worth of food, the clothes we have in our rooms are ours to keep. Ella starts counting things off on her list. ‘It would be nice to know how far it is.’ She wrinkles her nose. ‘I don’t like the idea of being on a horse.’
‘Prescott said the maps were in his office. He’ll get the info and get back to us.’ I try to shove another book in my pack without damaging the pages and wince when the cover folds back a little. Sorry, book.
Again, Moira quickly sets down her book and races for the bathroom. The only reason she’s been able to get away with not helping. She denies getting into the starlight wine again, but I’m not so sure. At least she’s not stripping and blessing our harvest.
Ella shoots me a look of sympathy. ‘You know, it’s hard to believe we’re leaving. It feels like we just arrived, doesn’t it?’
I lean against the bed, my gaze on the spot where Timmen attacked Carter. Where we had to cut away the roots snaking through his body. His screams still ring in my ears, bond or no, my heart aches for him. I’m hoping he’ll still be able to travel. ‘I’m sort of glad to be moving on. This place hasn’t been all free food and nice people.’ I lower my gaze, resuming packing. ‘I just wish we’d made more headway with an alliance.’
‘That must be what Killian’s doing,’ Ella says. ‘He’s been working hard all day to make sure we leave with an alliance.’
I throw my hands up. ‘Where’s Elijah?’
Ella shrugs. ‘He mentioned he had to speak with Verron about something.’
I grumble as I keep sorting out clothes. It’s not that packing is the worst thing in the world, I’d just hoped we’d all be spending time together. Or, as much as we can while Carter rests, and Moira hurls in my toilet. Maybe she stuffed her face with too much bacon. It’s nowhere near as good coming back up. I make a face at the thought.
Ella crawls up onto the bed. She looks up at me from under her pale lashes.
I glance at her. Sometimes I forget she’s much shyer than Moira. Than me. ‘What is it?’
She works her lip with her teeth. ‘I just… have you thought about—’ Ella takes a deep breath, looking out the window. All the broken glass has been swept away from Timmen’s attack, the windows quickly replaced—probably with magic—but the cracks in the walls remain. Her gaze settles on Terran, on the vast lands that sweep under our feet, away into the distance. ‘I think we need to break into groups, Katie.’
Her voice is soft, but the words are knives.
Mostly because of the truth in them. I lower myself on the bed beside her as Moira emerges, a little pale, from the bathroom. ‘Split up?’ She echoes.
I pat the bed beside me, and she joins us. ‘Yeah. I’ve been thinking it, too.’ I look between them. ‘I think—I think Elijah and Carter need to go to Water Pack. We’re expecting retaliation from them, but we’re working blind. We need allies on that side.’
Moira pales further, tears welling in her eyes, but she says nothing.
‘Killian has to go back to Cinder. He’s the pack’s heir. He hasn’t heard from his father and…’ I run my hand through my hair. ‘There’s a lot that he needs to work through there.’ It all comes tumbling out. The thoughts that have been going round my mind for days, but haven’t surfaced until now. ‘Moira, you should go with Killian. Cinder is your home, too, and I think he could use your help. I have to go to Air Pack.’ My gaze slides to the Water wolf. ‘With Ella. You’re better at talking to people than I can ever hope to be.’
‘We’re really doing this?’ Moira asks, her voice quiet. ‘Splitting from our mates? From the group?’ She holds the bracelet up. ‘What about this?’ A tear spills down her cheek. ‘What if something happens? How do we communicate with each other?’
I shake my head. I don’t have all the answers. Instead, I lean forward and hold her in a crushing hug. My best friend. Sister. The girl I grew up with, who fed me when I was hungry, clothed me and gave me a bed. She gave me books when I was bored, needing an escape. She gave me everything. ‘It’s going to be okay. If I know our alpha, he’s going to declare war on Water Pack.’
Moira leans back, wiping away tears. ‘And the Tide Witches. They tried to kill you.’
‘I still don’t quite understand that,’ Ella admits.
‘There’s a lot we don’t understand,’ I concede. ‘That’s another reason to split up. You and Killian go to Cinder. Carter and Elijah will go and spy on Water Pack. Ella and I will go to Air Pack, seeking an alliance. We’ll all meet back at Cinder when we’re done.’ I hold Ella and Moira’s hands. ‘This is just temporary. Our family won’t be apart for long.’
A sob wracks Moira’s body, making her shake.
‘Hey, I promise.’
Even Ella reaches out to comfort Moira. After a moment, she says, ‘Come. Why don’t I start dinner? The packing’s almost done. I’ll go check on Carter, and meet you in the kitchen.’
‘Wait,’ Moira says. ‘Do you really think the guys will be okay with this?’ She meets my gaze. ‘Do you really think Killian—’
‘If he’s learned anything, yes.’ My voice is harder than I intended. The dance we shared a few days ago floats back to my mind. We haven’t shared a lot of moments like that since. I know my mate has been consumed with what his parents had to do with the massacre that took place here eighteen years ago. If I send him home to get answers, I’ll have him back. Things will be as they should when we’re all reunited.