Elga sighs and settles back into her chair. She turns to the fire in the hearth. ‘I wish I could tell you not to go. That it’s not safe.’ She drums her fingers on her leg. ‘But that won’t do. You must go.’
‘We’ll be all together, don’t worry.’
At that, Elga turns her silver gaze to me. She looks like she’s going to say something, then shakes her head. ‘Bah! The toils of my job, my gift. Knowing when to give advice, to tell, and when to let people make their own decisions,’ she gripes.
‘What can you tell us about Air Pack?’ I press. Elga seems to be a bit distractable today.
‘Ah, yes. Hmm. They’re trained from a young age in their power. Taught that any other pack, any witch, is foe. They won’t hesitate to kill you. They suck the air right out of your lungs like that!’ She clicks her fingers together loudly.
‘Oh,’ Ella says. ‘How can we talk to them if they’ll kill us on sight?’
‘Yes,’ Elga mumbles. ‘How indeed. Come.’ She snaps her fingers, patting the seat beside her. ‘One of you. Now!’
Ella jumps up first, eyes a little wide with alarm. ‘Yes?’
I can see the apprehension in her face, wondering if she’s going to lose her arm for good this time. I lean forward, hoping the witch won’t do anything dangerous.
The witch holds Ella’s forearm, inspecting the bracelet. ‘You all have these.’ It isn’t a question. ‘That’s good.’ A tear slides down her cheek. ‘I’m so happy. I didn’t think that would come to pass, but you found them. Good, good.’ She waves a hand over Ella’s bracelet, and for a moment, the opal glows bright like a star.
Ella waits patiently. ‘What… did you do?’
Elga shoos her away. ‘You,’ she points at me. ‘Next. Here.’ She sets a hand over her heart, as though it pains her. ‘You don’t have long left here now, do you?’ She nods, as though coming to terms with that for some reason. She does the same to my bracelet.
I lean close to her. ‘Elga.’ I reach out and set a hand on her arm. ‘What aren’t you telling us?’
‘Oh, my dear.’ She sets her other hand on top of mine, tears leaking down her cheeks. ‘You… you just have to trust me. You’ll know soon.’ For a long moment, she stares into my face. ‘You… you be good now, you hear me?’
‘The rest of the bracelets, bring them to me. I’ll enchant them.’
‘What exactly did you do to them?’ Ella peers at hers warily.
Elga shakes her head. ‘Just bring them to me.’
As we get up to leave, Elga takes my hand. Her skin is soft, wrinkled. Her hands are smaller than I realised. ‘You—if I… if I… gave you something, something precious…’ She sniffles. ‘You would look after it, wouldn’t you? Please?’
I frown, having no idea what she’s talking about. ‘Yeah. Yes, of course.’
Elga exhales. ‘Of course you will. Good. Good. Off you go now, I—I need to be alone.’
Ella offers a tentative smile. ‘We’ll bring the rest of the bracelets over later tonight, okay? Thank you for the tea.’
The witch nods, waving us out. I’ve never seen her look so old, so tired.
I pause on the threshold, gripped by a sudden urge to do something to comfort her. I don’t know what she’s seen, or what upsets her, but I return, and kneel before her. ‘Elga?’ I set my hand on her knee. Her gaze is locked firmly on the fire in the hearth. ‘Whatever’s troubling you… you can tell me. Or… if you did give me something, I would look after it. I promise. I wish I knew what was bothering you. You said sometimes people have to make their own choices.’ I tap her knee. ‘You can make yours. Tell me what’s making you upset.’ I glance up at Ella, who’s now kneeling beside me.
Elga drags her gaze to me. ‘You’re very sweet, dear, but this… isn’t mine to tell.’ She brushes my cheek fondly. ‘Now, go on. There’s a storm coming. Don’t get caught out in the rain. Oh, and make sure you close and lock that back door in your guesthouse.’
‘O… kay, sure.’ I pat her leg.
Outside, Ella and I take a shuddering breath.
‘That was weird,’ Ella says.
‘Agreed.’ I hold up my bracelet. ‘So, what do you think she did to it?’
Ella shrugs. ‘I wish I knew. Maybe she’ll still tell us before we go, though I’d like to know we have a chance of not dying upon arriving at Air Pack. Can you imagine? Having the air sucked out of you?’ She shudders.