‘I should have known you’ve kidnapped one of our guests,’ comes Prescott’s amused voice. ‘Katherine, there you are. Are you alright? We, uh, got a little worried when you… left.’ That’s a polite way of saying stormed off.
Without looking at him, I meet Elga’s gaze. Without knowing how, I know she understands my annoyance at the Second, but she gives a little nod, encouraging me to speak with him. I take a deep breath and climb out of the ridiculously comfortable chair, already missing it. ‘Yeah, I’m fine. Though, I don’t see why you’d care.’
Prescott blinks, clearly hurt by that. ‘You’re my son’s friend.’
‘Who you blame for you being attacked because your Glowy Wall doesn’t work.’
Prescott fully steps over the threshold, but pauses before coming in any further, looking to Elga for an invitation. She gestures to the tea and biscuits, clearly the welcoming sort. He ducks inside, closing the door behind him. ‘I meant to ask you about that, Elga, why didn’t the barrier keep them out? We lost five wolves today.’
Elga raises a finger. ‘Don’t you go tossing blame around, boy,’ she warns.
Prescott looks appropriately abashed. ‘I—I just meant—’ The six-foot-something man’s shoulders hunch. ‘I’m sorry. I just… do you know why it happened?’
Elga’s mouth purses. ‘I believe their intent was simple. To retrieve one of their pack. They must have known the parameters of the barrier and adjusted accordingly. Though, I suspected, the alpha knew he couldn’t hide his malevolence and waited outside.’
The sadistic look in his eyes will forever live in my mind. ‘Would the wall have burned him up if he tried to cross?’
Elga chuckles, waving me down. ‘What a thought!’
That wasn’t a no.
Not that I want to risk Elga’s wrath, but I venture, ‘I think you need to update your Glowy Wall magic.’
Prescott winces.
Elga looks at me warmly. ‘Perhaps so.’
The Second’s mouth falls open. ‘Hey, how come when I—’
‘Did you come here to apologise to Katherine, or simply to eat all my biscuits?’ Elga asks coolly.
Damn, this woman is good at putting people in their place. I just have to stay on her good side.
Prescott clears his throat, setting his small mountain of biscuits down. ‘You’re right. Katherine, I do apologise. You and your friends didn’t want the Water wolves here, we should have better protected you, and you even managed to capture and contain the alpha of our enemy, and we’ve done nothing but blame you. I am deeply sorry.’
I fold my arms over my chest and collapse back into the armchair I have already dubbed as mine, letting the flames warm my chilled skin. ‘Thank you,’ I say. ‘But shouldn’t it be your alpha saying this?’
Elga hands me a biscuit, hiding a smile. I think I have an ally in her.
**scene break**
Prescott escorts us to our chambers, paired off, it seems, as Killian and I get our own room, flush with luxury like I’ve never seen. There’s a plush, four-poster bed, twin dressers, a vanity and mirror, twin armchairs, and a crackling fire in the hearth. In the middle of the room, a rug pools out, soft under my feet, and there’s still plenty of space.
Prescott offers a hesitant smile. ‘Is this to your liking?’
I turn, hiding my real thoughts. ‘It will do, yes. Thank you.’
Prescott’s smile turns real. ‘I am sorry, you know.’
All amusement slides away. ‘I know. I guess I should be used to it.’
Elijah’s dad shakes his head. ‘Get some rest, you two.’
I reach out to stop him, but Prescott sets a hand on my shoulder. ‘I assure you, if there is any change in Carter’s condition, someone will fetch you immediately.’
‘Thank you. Goodnight.’ I close the door between us and turn to my mate.
Killian looks thunderous, his jaw clenched, auburn eyes dark.