‘That’s where you’re wrong. Burning is my gift.’ I launch at him, and even as my fist collides with his face and he cries out, trying to pry me off him, I cling on, anger and vengeance fuelling me. The smell of burning flesh assaults my nose, stinging my eyes.
Water washes over my face, swallowing the air from my lungs, reaching down my throat to choke me, my fire sputtering out. I watch from behind a wall of water as the alpha’s face contorts to one of dark contempt, his jaw set, teeth gritted. There’s a glint in his eyes, a small smile playing at the corner of his mouth. He’s enjoying this.
This is what he looks like when he hurts people.
Despite the water filling my insides, my lungs burning and aching, I know in that moment, I will never let him look at someone like this again.
All my life, I thought I was useless. Powerless. Unwanted and unloved.
Today, I know that’s wrong. I hear Killian’s voice in my mind. Now you have everything to fight for. Then, his voice in my ears, screaming my name, just before he tackles the Water alpha. My mate shifts, his front paws forcing the alpha to his back.
The water drops, no longer choking me. I cough, blinking. ‘Wait—’ I splutter.
Soft hands touch my back as Moira and Ella help me to my feet. ‘Katie, are you okay?’ Moira brushes my sopping hair out of my face.
Elijah and Carter are a few steps behind, running toward us. ‘Katherine, get away from him,’ Carter calls to me.
‘Killian, come back,’ I say calmly. I hold my arms up, keeping those I love protected, at my back. Without hesitation, my mate comes, still in wolf form, and rests on my left, growling, desperate to rip the alpha’s throat out for me.
We had no idea the Water Pack were so close, right on our tails this entire time? Or had they simply expected us to retreat to Terran?
‘Call your people back,’ I warn Julian. ‘And you can still save their lives. They’re outnumbered.’
The alpha gets to his feet, his face still dark. As though he hadn’t heard me, his gaze falls on his nephew. ‘Get over here, now.’ He rolls his sleeves up.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Carter flinch. ‘No.’
I don’t see the knife until it’s too late. The alpha hurls the blade at me, and I hear it sink deep into flesh, and a soft groan. The thud of a body sounds as my mind catches up.
Killian had moved to leap in front of me, but was pushed down, out of the way.
Carter stares up at me, his face twisted in pain, hands clutching the knife buried deep into his chest, only a handspan from his heart.
For a long moment, everything grows still and quiet. I reach out, my hand brushing Killian’s furry head. ‘Promise me you’ll stay back.’ I don’t wait for an answer, and this time, I don’t run or jump or launch myself.
I walk.
If protecting those I care about was the trigger to using my fire, then seeing Carter take a knife to the chest for me set off a bomb.
My body is engulfed with flame, blurring my peripheral vision, leaving just enough to watch the alpha’s eyes widen, the first hint of fear I’ve ever seen on his cold face. I smile, just as he turns to flee.
I reach out, sending an arm of flame to wrap around him. ‘Recall your wolves, or they’ll die. Last warning.’
The sizzle of more burning cloth and skin wafts off him, poisoning the fresh, clean air of Terran. ‘This is a place of peace. No hunting. These people did nothing to you, yet you slaughter them.’ I squeeze him with my flames, and the scent on the air turns acrid.
Not one of my friends cries out to stop me. I know they don’t want this.
Some evils must be done.
I squeeze. ‘If you won’t save your people, I know someone who will.’ I turn to face Ella and nod.
She shifts and lets out a mighty howl, calling to the others of her element. Something in her call makes them turn, even those mid-battle, and they take in the scene up here on the hill. Their alpha, surrounded, bested, and the dozens of Earth wolves pouring out to greet them. Ella gives a cry I can only translate as, stop, leave, or you’ll die.
It takes them less than two heartbeats to abandon the fight, to go against their alpha’s order, and they each turn tail and flee.
A swell of pride for Ella courses through me. I watch her go to Carter, still in her wolf form, and lick his forehead. I turn back to the alpha. I should burn him alive for the things he’s done.
‘Katherine,’ comes my mate’s voice. ‘I’m proud of you, baby. I knew you had your Fire in you. But you don’t have to use it this way.’