Haldreg smirks. ‘If you were any decent wolf, you’d have heard me long before now.’ He approaches, crouching before me. ‘But by the looks of you, your mind is otherwise occupied.’ He nods to my bracelet. ‘What is that for?’
I glare. ‘What is it for? It’s for wearing.’
Without invitation, he sits opposite me, invading the only quiet space I had to myself. He gives a dry chuckle. ‘It’s more than that. I saw those on Katherine and Ella. It unites you, doesn’t it?’
‘What do you care?’ I’ve long since given up trying to watch their rotations. I jerk my head at the estate. ‘Shouldn’t you be on duty over there, barking orders at people or something?’
Another smirk. ‘I see you’ve deduced my rank. Yes, I am the head of security. I report directly to Prescott. I think you’re right, too.’ Haldreg turns his gaze to the estate. ‘I should. I suspect we’ll have a break-in tonight.’
I blink. ‘What?’
‘I heard what you said earlier. At, well, the tree. And Elga talks to me, too. I know the answers you seek, Killian.’ He meets my gaze. ‘The only difference is, I’m prepared to help you get them.’
I sit up straight. ‘Why?’ I narrow my gaze, suspicious.
He offers a sad smile. ‘My reasons are my own.’ The head of security gets smoothly to his feet. ‘Come, now. I sent Reilly off on a break—and I know him, he’ll take longer than he should, new girlfriend—so we have a small window of opportunity.’
‘All your guards work in pairs, what about the other?’
‘I figured you could distract him. You have a power, don’t you?’
I glower. He’s right, though. A distraction. I should have thought of that. I glance around. ‘Where can I set a fire that won’t do your wildlife any damage?’
Haldreg smiles. ‘Considerate.’ He marches off, and I follow, until we emerge on the northwest side of the estate. ‘The documents you’re looking for are in Prescott’s office. I helped him sort it all out years ago. They haven’t been moved.’ He holds out a hand and, with his power, carves a deep line in the ground, creating a ten-foot radius. ‘That should contain your fire. Go ahead.’
‘How will a circle carved into the earth contain fire?’ I round on him. ‘Do you know how fire works?’
‘Do you know how the earth works? It’s not just a circle, Fire wolf. I’ve set a barrier within the earth, warning it. Now it knows.’
I blink at him, opening my mouth, but he waves me down. ‘Reilly won’t be that long. Hurry up.’
I summon a ball of fire and hurl it into the circle. I have every intention of watching to see what this magic earth circle does, but the guard drags me along. He’s right. No dawdling.
Haldreg leads me through a path in the woods which, apparently, only he can see. There are no markings or paths worn into the forest floor. In fact, where our feet step is thick with roots and undergrowth.
‘Is this really the best way?’
‘Shh.’ Haldreg raises a hand, then points. The other guard—Reilly’s partner—has noticed the fire and runs toward it. He uses a route that keeps us well-hidden. The head of security’s lips curve in a small, proud smile. ‘I trained them all myself. I know what path he will take.’
I duck my head as I follow him quietly. Now out of the forest, the only cover we have is the darkness. Haldreg slips up the stairs. He places his hand on the door and whispers something, then opens it for me. ‘Go. I’ll cover for you. Prescott’s office is three doors down from Verron’s. If I remember correctly, the files are in the white drawer in the corner. It’s been years,’ he adds. As I move to walk inside, he grabs my arm. ‘Killian. What you read… be very careful who you share the information with. The secret everyone vowed to keep… I’m breaking that vow now by letting you do this because I believe we all deserve answers about our mothers. Do you understand?’
I meet his gaze. ‘Yes. Thank you.’ I slip inside the building, the door closing behind me, one thought standing out among the rest. What happened to Haldreg’s mother?
The alpha estate is as vast as I remember, but at least there are no guards inside. That doesn’t mean I won’t run into anyone, though, and have to explain myself. I stick to the shadows, moving as quickly as I dare, as slowly as I can.
I make it to Verron’s floor, count the doors, and stare at Prescott’s office.
I’m betraying him.
I let my eyes fall closed for a moment, weighing. The man has been good to me. Better than my own damn father. But that’s why I need to do this. I reach out for the handle. No one else will give me answers. They’re not giving me a choice.
I twist the handle and push the door wide.
Prescott smiles up at me from his desk. ‘Killian. What brings you here?’
Chapter Thirty-Five