They both look at me.
Elijah, Moira and Ella all shuffle closer. ‘I’m sure you’ve all figured it out by now. It was me.’ I fork over the bottle, my gaze on Carter. ‘I dosed you with this. I broke the bond you two share and I’m… so sorry. I had no idea…’ I trail off, my heart pounding. I’m not sure what possessed me to do this, but I have to attempt to help make it right.
Silence greets me.
After what feels like an eternity, Carter reaches out and takes the bottle from my hand. ‘Where did you get this?’
‘Courtney.’ I relay our interaction from the previous night. I could say she goaded me into it, but that wouldn’t really be the point. Whether she was here, knowing how much trouble she could cause amongst us, or it was some work of providence designed to test me, I messed up. Plain and simple.
‘She was here?’ Anger sparks in Katherine’s eyes.
‘Yes. And now that I’ve… done this to you, Elga, the alpha, they’ve pulled the barrier down.’ I relay what Elga said, my gaze falling to my hands, curled in my lap.
Carter recoils. ‘I will not go with them.’
I shake my head. ‘No. No, you won’t. I’ve messed up so much, but I swear, I won’t let that happen.’
‘Why would we trust you?’ Ella snaps. The first angry words I’ve ever heard from the woman.
‘I guess you shouldn’t, but I mean it.’
‘You thanked me, and dosed me all in one night, Killian,’ Carter says, ‘forgive me for not feeling reassured.’ The hand on his chest tightens. I’ve only added to his worry.
Katherine is looking at me strangely. There’s anger, but also pity, and a myriad of other emotions I can’t quite read.
I look back at Moira and cringe. If she had a little less control, she’d be burning me alive right now. Instead, she holds up a finger. ‘Not only did you drug one of us, broke something special between them, and hurt your mate, you burned Elijah, you son of a bitch.’
Katherine’s head snaps up, as though only just noticing the bandages on his arms. Her gaze finds me, fuming.
I get up, backing away. I don’t know if I’ve managed to put the pieces back together, or just ensured that everyone hates me. I swallow thickly. ‘I’m sorry.’ I look between them. ‘What can I do to help fix this?’
‘You took away my choice,’ Katherine breathes.
Her words cut into me.
Before I can offer any further apologies, a loud horn raises the hairs on my arms, making me jump. It sounds once, twice, three times.
Elijah immediately runs outside.
‘What the hell?’ I ask.
‘Warning bell,’ Moira says, on his heels a heartbeat later. I turn to follow them outside.
Ella shoulders me as she passes. ‘Whatever happens next,’ she hisses, ‘is on you.’
I blink, startled at her ferocity. Carter and Katherine follow behind as we spill out onto the front lawn. The golden, shimmering barrier is gone. They’re here.
‘Dad!’ Elijah shouts.
Prescott, and a slew of Earth guards escort Julian, hands clasped at his back, toward the perimeter of Terran—where the barrier should be. I lift my nose, scenting them. Water wolves. I reach out to push Katherine behind me. I drop my arm when I see her, the anger in her eyes. She does not want my protection.
Instead, I step slightly in front of her, hoping she won’t attack me for it.
Ella’s right, I think miserably. Elga might have a blood-written contract protecting my mate, but there was nothing in there about Carter. I suppose I should thank her for that, at least. I know she can’t want Carter to have to go home with Julian.
We all watch, hearts in our throats, as dozens of Water wolves descend over the hill, spilling toward Terran, outnumbering us. They stay on the line of the barrier. Until ordered otherwise.
Ella stands just in front of Carter the way I do Katherine.