Moira’s eyes are full and wide. Normally, if something or someone threatens her best friend, she’s fierce, ready to burn them, but now, she’s shaken to the core. I don’t blame her.
I set the glasses down as I join them at the table. ‘I wanted to thank all of you for coming when I called.’ I give Carter a pointed look. ‘Even you. I can’t fault you for protecting her. Thank you.’
I can feel Elijah and Moira smiling at me with approval.
Something dark and twisted reached out and tried to grab my mate tonight. Someone used magic to try to drown her, and I’m going to find out who. In the meantime, I have to do what I can to keep her safe.
Carter offers a smile and raises his glass. ‘Thanks, Killian.’ He brushes his glass against mine, a soft clink sounding in the intimate guesthouse, where we’ve all become comfortable. But this is not our home. I watch the Water wolf drink, unaware of the clear liquid added to his wine.
He smiles at me from across the table, as though we’re friends.
As though he hasn’t put my fated mate in danger since the moment they met. Never again.
Chapter Eighteen
I strike out at Elijah, my fist glancing the side of his cheek as he dodges half a second too late. I throw another jab at him with my left, and this he avoids, ducking and swerving.
We’ve been out here in the courtyard, sparring, since sunrise. Now, the sun is bright and warm overhead, the cool breeze hugging my bare shoulders. My jaw clenched, I throw a bolt of fire at him.
Elijah’s green eyes widen, but he ducks out of the way. He turns slightly, and I anticipate the kick, dodging. We’ve been sparring for over a week, learning each other’s moves, how they fight. He’s actually good. I don’t know what else I expected from the son of the Second.
Elijah heaves a breath. We haven’t stopped for a break.
I don’t want a break. I want to punch something. I swipe out at him, hard and fast, catching him in the ear, then kick out at him—expecting him to leap out of the way—and hit him squarely in the chest.
Elijah winces, stumbling back a step, his brows drawing together. To his credit, he doesn’t call me out, and a split second later, he’s kicking me in the stomach, knocking the wind out of my lungs.
Anger burns in me, my muscles tight, my fear brimming just beneath the surface. I shout and send a plume of fire at him, perhaps hotter than a friendly sparring session calls for.
Elijah dives out of the way. ‘All right.’ He rolls back to his feet smoothly. ‘Out with it.’ His chest is rising and falling rapidly, but he doesn’t sit or rest, as though worried I’ll attack him when he least expects it.
I raise my hands. ‘I don’t want to stop.’ I throw another burst of fire. Every time I throw a punch, a kick, or fire, a tiny part of me feels better. Relieved. Occupied.
This time, Elijah steps neatly out of the way. ‘If you still want me as a friend, it would be better not to turn me to ash,’ he says calmly. ‘Now, spit it out, Killian. What’s eating you?’ His eyes flick up, toward the bedrooms. ‘I know Katherine’s still… recovering.’
She hasn’t come out of our room this morning. When I tried to rouse her, she simply shook her head, burrowing further under the blankets. Her eyes were dark and haunted.
She’s not the only one who’s haunted. I dosed Carter last night with a potion a stranger gave me to break his and Katherine’s bond. My gut hasn’t stopped twisting since he drank that wine.
I stare at Elijah, finally shaking my head. I can’t tell him about that. He would never understand. What would he think of me? Instead, I raise my hands. I need to keep fighting. ‘The Water wolves will be here today. Less chatting, more sparring.’
Elijah’s lips purse in disapproval. He has a healthier mindset on most things than I do. Talk it out. Be reasonable. Don’t be a dick. It all sounds so simple and easy. Reluctantly, he raises his hands.
As I approach, he swoops down, brushing his fingers to the floor. He looks up at me with a wicked grin. I don’t have time to brace myself before the ground shakes, sending me skittering off balance. Damn it. I roll away, avoiding the cracks he leaves in the pavement, then shoot a burst of fire at him, the air trembling with heat around us.
Elijah dodges, but I don’t miss the hiss of pain. He claps a hand to his forearm.
I lower my hands quickly, dropping all pretence of the fight.
Elijah glowers, only for a moment. ‘You can’t channel all your frustrations through fighting.’ He removes his hand, peering at the angry, red burn.
Guilt crashes through me. ‘Sorry.’ Shit. I’m not like this. I have control.
Those green eyes bore into me. ‘I get the feeling it’s not me who deserves that apology. I can see it on your face. What’s happened? This isn’t just about what happened to Katherine.’
I grit my teeth. ‘You don’t know what you’re talking about.’