‘Who kicked your puppy?’ I climb up onto the bed, heedless of my dirty clothes, and settle there with a deep sigh. ‘Ah. Real bed. Come, feel.’ I pat the mile-long spot beside me.
Killian glowers. ‘We need to talk.’ He runs a hand through his dark red hair, making it fall into his eyes. ‘Katherine, you keep making all these decisions without me, and it feels like I can’t protect you.’
Fatigue washes over me. I don’t want to talk, I want to sleep. But I have to know what’s bothering him. I rub at my eyes, hoping there’s a decent bathroom nearby. ‘What are you talking about?’
Killian perches on the edge of the bed, miles away from me. ‘We were supposed to all stay together, and then you went off, into a battlefield, and charged at an alpha wolf by yourself! Katie, you could have—’
I sigh and hold a hand up. ‘I’m going to stop you right here. I love you, Killian, but I make my own decisions. If I put myself in danger, that’s my prerogative. I was doing it to protect all of you.’
‘You were doing it to protect Carter.’
Anger flares in my belly. ‘So, that’s what this is about.’
‘No, it’s about you leaving me to go and nearly get killed!’ he shouts.
My eyes squeeze closed. He’s never shouted at me before. I swallow, trying to figure out how to respond. Before I can, he’s beside me, holding me close. ‘Sorry. I’m sorry.’
Instead of relaxing into him, without thinking about it, I push him away. He lets me, but I don’t miss the hurt and confusion that chase each other over his features. ‘Katherine?’
I shake my head. ‘You need to get over this Carter thing. He saved my life tonight, Killian. He took a knife to the chest for me. Hell, he saved your life in doing so, too. I am yours, in love and in our relationship. But I’m not yours to boss around, or for you to tell me what to do, or who to protect. I’m still my own person. I still care about other people, too, and I will protect them, even if it puts me in danger.’
Killian sits back, shoulders bunched, eyes stormy.
‘I’m going for a walk.’
Killian opens his mouth to object, then closes it and nods.
I get to my feet, without bothering to put my shoes back on, and drag my exhausted ass outside, into the cool night air, and find the courtyard. With Moira lounging under the stars with a glass of something in her hand, her head tossed back. She opens her eyes when she hears my approach. ‘Hey. Are you okay?’
I roll my eyes as I sit beside her. ‘Not so much. What are you doing out here?’
‘The infirmary is rather stuffy,’ she says tightly. ‘He’s okay,’ she adds. ‘I just needed some air. Ella’s with him.’
I look directly at my best friend. ‘Do you blame me for caring about Carter?’
Moira sputters a confused laugh. ‘What? No. He’s your friend. Complicated, I guess, but you two have been through a lot—oh. Right.’ She waves a hand. ‘Look, Killian has to get over this.’
I nod. ‘I don’t know if he can.’
Moira shakes her head with a sigh and hands me her glass. ‘Here, drink some of this. It’ll take the edge off.’
‘What is it?’
‘I don’t know. I found it at the back of the fridge.’ She waves behind us to where, apparently, a kitchen lays.
‘Seems smart,’ I comment, setting the glass aside, out of her reach. ‘How’s Elijah?’
‘He just needed a few stitches, he’s okay.’
Guilt pours through me that I hadn’t realised he was hurt in the battle. Damn it.
‘So, what exactly did you conjure up with that Starlight Witch so they would let us stay?’
I suppress a smile. ‘I didn’t do anything, really. Prescott apologised. You should meet Elga, though.’
Moira’s mouth tilts up in a smirk, but before I know it, her eyes are closed, and I’m pretty sure she’s fast asleep. I’m not the only one who’s had a big day. I watch her sleep for a while, mentally going over everything that’s happened.
Elga was right. It was strength that kept me from killing Julian tonight, despite all that he’s done, and despite what he even deserves. Killing him… I’m glad I didn’t. I might live to regret that, but for tonight, I’m pleased with the choice I made.