‘Did he now?’ My brows waggle and she laughs. It’s nice. Familiar. ‘So, what happened with you two?’
Moira joins me at the edge of the stream. ‘Um, we were making out for a while. Then we talked. It was nice. Katie, I… I never imagined feeling this way about someone. I think…’ She glances over her shoulder. The guys are skinning a deer they hunted, their hands gloved with blood. Ew. ‘I think Elijah might be my mate.’
My eyes widen. ‘Really? But he’s—’
‘Earth Pack, I know. I felt it the moment I first saw him, though. I can’t deny it. What do you think this means? That we can really mate to other packs?’
I glance between Moira and Elijah. ‘I guess so.’
‘You’re still mated to Carter, though,’ she muses. ‘Katie, do you still feel him?’
I lower my gaze, focusing on my feet, still pleasantly cool and wet. ‘Yes. I do. I don’t really know what I feel. Just… connected.’
Moira lowers her voice. ‘Does Killian know that?’
‘He knows enough, for now.’ I look around. ‘You know, part of me wishes it was just you and me out here. Even if I had to keep running from Carter’s uncle…’ I nod at the horizon, the stunning view. ‘This place is amazing, isn’t it?’ Sure, there’s no coffee or indoor plumbing, but even with those things… it’s not the be all and end all of happy. It’s who you’re with.
Moira’s mouth tugs up. ‘I’m down for that, as long as we get more books.’ She nudges me with her shoulder. ‘Seriously, Katie, whatever is going on, we’re going to stick together. You know that, right? You’re my family.’
As soon as she says it, guilt pools in my chest, and I know what I have to do. I lean my cheek on her shoulder. ‘I know. Thanks.’ For a while, we sit, our feet dangling in the river, the sounds of the guys ripping up the deer fade into the background so that it might as well have just been the two of us. Like always.
Just like always, we’ll do anything to keep each other safe. The Water Pack are coming after me. I’m putting her, Elijah and Killian in danger by staying with them.
I’ll leave after supper when they’re asleep.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Just because I have my wolf, doesn’t mean my human-self is less clumsy. Sneaking out of the cave, over our backpacks, and not tripping on the embers of the dying fire is harder than I expected. But I make it out without killing myself, so yay, maybe my escape-skills are improving.
I resist the urge to glance back over my shoulder once I’m clear of the caves. I push the guilt down and out of the way. This is the right thing to do. The Water wolves are after me, and I’m just putting the rest of them in danger.
I squint as I pad down to the beach, knowing my footfalls will be much quieter on sand than in the forest. As I clear the beach, and skirt a slight hill, I start.
Killian is leaning against a tree, a smirk playing on his lips. ‘You didn’t seriously think I wouldn’t notice you “sneaking” out, right?’ He exams his nails, his nose slightly upturned.
I huff a sigh. ‘What are you doing out here?’ I close the distance between us.
Killian doesn’t move. ‘Moira and Elijah know you’re running away, too.’
‘I’m not running away—’
He waves his hands. ‘However you want to put it.’ His auburn eyes shine low in the dim light of the moon. ‘We know you’re trying to protect us,’ his voice softens, ‘but you don’t need to.’ Killian reaches for me. ‘I’m your mate, Katherine.’
I fold my arms over my chest. ‘I don’t need your help.’
A smirk tugs his lips. ‘Oh, I’m sure you don’t. But I am a man of my word. We made a bet, you and I, and I don’t think that shack counts as keeping up my end of the deal.’ Killian gestures forward, indicating I won’t be going any further without him, whether I like it or not. ‘By the way, Moira told me to tell you that she loves you, and that she’s going to kick your ass for leaving.’ The smile remains on his face.
I don’t bother acknowledging the threat. I know she means it. I sigh, resigned, and let Killian lead the way.
Killian pushes the door of our hotel room open. ‘I’ll take the couch.’ He marches over and dumps his bag there. Without looking at me, he says, ‘You can use the bathroom first.’
Still on the threshold, I blink. Wow. I must look and smell terrible. I quietly close the door behind me, glancing at the large bed. I guess I’ll be sleeping alone. Staring at his back, my heart sinks.
The hotel bathroom is nothing fancy. Sink, toilet, shower. There’s even toilet paper. Okay, somewhat fancy. I peer around until I find what I hope are clean towels. I look at myself in the mirror for the first time in days. Full-body cringe. Eugh. No wonder my own mate doesn’t want to share a bed with me.
I climb into the shower and stack my toiletries in the corner, intending to wash, scrub and shampoo at least twice. The shower gives me time to think as my hands move automatically over my body, ridding myself of grimy skin and the layers of grease and gunk. When I close my eyes, I picture myself bathing in the waterfall—or, having a bunch of water pound down on me—and thinking of Killian. My lips tug into a smile. I’m tempted to relive the whole episode, but exhaustion and worry tug at me.