Ever since the moment Carter’s hand wrapped around Katherine’s upper arm, she was lost to me. I had to watch as he took her away. This girl who had so suddenly captured my attention, I couldn’t keep away from her. Since the minute she was out of my sight, my gut was horribly twisted, fearing what might be happening to her. I haven’t had a chance to ask her about it. I’m not sure I can.
I crouch opposite Moira. ‘I just wanted her to be safe,’ I say softly, hoping she will understand. ‘That’s all. Aren’t you worried about her?’
Moira stills, setting a rope aside, and meets my gaze. ‘I am. But not about where she is. If something had happened to her, there would be evidence, signs of a struggle, the scent of fear. I’m worried about how she’s feeling, what she’s been through. She needs freedom and space. Just remember that.’
I take her in and give a nod. ‘I’m going to go find her. If I do find her, should I leave her be?’
Moira smirks. ‘I’m not a cupid, make your own dumbass decisions.’
‘That’s very helpful, thank you.’
She bows with a flourish and continues setting up the tent. ‘You know this is for me and Katie, right?’
‘I’m well aware of your tent thievery.’ I get to my feet and raise my nose. I would shift, but I’d rather not encounter her naked… Actually, that’s not true, but it’s not the plan for today.
I walk away from Moira, inhaling the clean, crisp morning air. While I’m still worried about Katherine, Moira is right. There are no signs of trouble. Nothing to indicate something bad has happened. Katherine has indeed probably just gone for a walk, pleased to be outside again.
I wonder what it was like for her. I can hardly imagine feeling so trapped, so… confined. It’s awful to think about. How could Carter do that to her? I try to push those thoughts away as I approach a dense section of woods. Even in my human form the earthy smells are strong.
Katherine will have to learn how to shift. I don’t want her going through that alone. Like I did. I wonder if Moira ever told her what to expect. I hope so. No one really told me.
I raise my head, my ears straining. The sound of crashing water meets my ears, and I follow it. I should have found a way to leave Katherine a drink. That’s why we bought water-bottles from the little street vendor down the road. The tent was a welcome surprise. Even though I suspect he stole it from unsuspecting human hikers, I’m still grateful.
The vendor said there’s a marketplace (including inns and a few taverns), about a day’s travel north of here. We should head that way.
I follow the sounds of rushing water until I come across the vast, glittering river, shining brightly under the morning sun. I half-expect to find Katherine swimming in it, but I can’t see her at all. Damn. I lean against a tree and survey the area. It really is beautiful.
The river is at least a dozen paces long. Like a small version of the ocean. I move around to the opposite side of the waterfall which falls like a crescent moon in loud, rushing waves.
I’m about to take my socks and shoes off and dip my feet in before moving on—Katherine has to be around here somewhere—when my ears catch a sound.
A moan, or a gasp.
I shoot to my feet. Katherine! Is she here? Is she hurt?
I get a little closer to the waterfall and realise the crescent shape provides almost-perfect cover, like an alcove of privacy. Almost. High above, a rock’s placement creates just a little gap in the curtain of water. Enough for me to see her.
My heart pounds so hard I think I might faint.
Seeing her naked, my whole body trembles.
There she is, in the soft light of the morning sun, set aglow by the water rushing around her, over her bare, naked skin. Her long, red hair is thrown back, her mouth agape. My eyes rake down her body. Air gushes out of me when I see her fingers, pleasuring herself.
My cock hardens quickly, bracing against the zip of my jeans. I try to readjust it, but it’s no use. Part of me knows I should not be here. Shouldn’t be watching. But I can’t move. I’ve never seen—even imagined—anything as beautiful as Katherine not only naked, but gasping in pleasure.
I watch her fingers work and immediately wish they were mine. My throat has never been so dry. I want to step forward, to break through the curtain of water, and show her how much pleasure I could bring her. How I would treat her like a queen… bring to her orgasm over and over.
It takes all my strength not to close the distance between us as I watch her fingers push inside herself. I would give my left arm—shit, I would give my left nut—for those fingers to instead be mine, sliding into her. As her fingers slide in deeper, she thrusts her chest out, her breasts large and perky. I’m close enough to see her pebbled nipples.
My cock pulses, straining painfully within my stupid pants. Part of me wants to grasp myself, to watch her and pump myself in time with her, but I clench my hands into fists, nails digging into my palms. I focus on the more innocent details. I wrench my gaze to her hair, wondering what it would feel like to run my hands through it.
Then I remember her flinch. How she’d pulled away from me when I’d gone to touch her hair. Rage boils through me: did Carter hurt her? Is that why she flinched?
I inhale, my heart pounding. I can’t help it, my gaze finds her hand again, the way her fingers are moving…
What made her wet to begin with? The freedom of being outside? The thought of… me? I’ve never been huge on praying, but I am now, that she was thinking of me, not someone else. I’m her mate, but she hardly knows me. I’ve kept my distance, as much as I’ve been dying to touch her, to kiss her…
I watch the water flow down her sun-gilded skin. My eyes follow the path of a water droplet from her shoulder, down to her breasts. My hands clench, nails biting harder into my palms, wishing I were there with her. My cock throbs. Calm down. If I so much as grasped myself right now, I might come. I try to catch a breath, willing myself to calm, to walk away…