A knock sounds, pulling me from an uneasy sleep. Cobwebs of dreams stick to my mind as I begin to wake, my eyes opening slowly. Dawn has broken, several hours ago, judging by the position of the sun, well and truly awake, leaving the otherwise clear sky painted with rays of gold.
The knock sounds again, and I blink, knowing who it will be. ‘Come in.’
Ella opens the door. She must have a key, I realise. She smiles as she crosses the threshold, careful to close the door behind her immediately. She might not want to admit it, but she knows I’m a prisoner.
Ella sets down the tray, the smell of eggs and toast pull me from the bed. ‘Good morning.’ She clasps her hands before her. ‘Is there anything else I can get you?’ She turns and, to my delight, pours a brown liquid into a mug and hands it to me.
‘Coffee,’ I exhale, grateful for the warmth of the ceramic under my fingers. Fire wolves run hot, sure, but I’m a shitty fire wolf. I hold the mug close, letting its warmth gently sear my fingers.
Ella motions to the chair. ‘Do you mind?’
‘Suit yourself.’ Honestly, she might be better company than being alone with my thoughts. I reach up and pull the tray before me on the bed. I nibble on some toast. ‘So, what’s the deal?’ I say between bites. ‘If I’m good, you’ll let me out, or is this kind of a Rapunzel type situation? Because I’m not cool with that.’
Ella gives me an amused look. ‘You read human stories?’
‘I didn’t have a lot of literature to choose from.’ I shrug, eating more toast. ‘Can’t be picky.’
Ella sits in the armchair, this time wearing a similar blue dress, though this one is short-sleeved. I wonder if she’s cold. She gives me a measured look, sizing me up. ‘I don’t know what the alpha’s plans, or Carter’s, for that matter, are for you.’
I finish my toast and huff a sigh, drinking my coffee deeply. ‘You don’t care they’re keeping me prisoner?’ I ask mildly, hoping to at least get a reaction from her.
Ella blinks, affronted, quickly lowering her gaze. ‘I care,’ she mumbles.
Didn’t deny it. Progress. ‘You have to let me out sometime. I’m a wolf. I need to run.’
Ella nods slowly. ‘We know. Soon, Julian will have you dine with him. He will take your temperament, I suspect, then make his decisions based on how… cooperative you are.’
‘Ah, kidnapping 101. Wait, Julian? That’s the alpha’s name?’
‘Yes.’ Ella pauses, looking uncomfortable. ‘Look, I don’t want you to think we just… do this. We’ve never had this happen before. One of our own mated to someone from another pack. I think they fear you’re an enemy.’
I roll my eyes, but catch that she said ‘they’ not ‘we’. ‘They could have left me at home.’
‘They would never disobey the Tide Witches.’
I meet her gaze. Apart from Carter—and Courtney, if you can count her—I’ve never met someone from another pack before. ‘What do you know about the other packs? Earth and Air? And their Starlight Witches?’
‘I’ve never met any, but I know they run similarly to us. Their witches preside over those two packs. Why do you ask?’
‘I wonder if they’ll be mated to each other. Or if I’ll remain the freak.’ I set my coffee down, the mug no longer warming me.
Ella leans forward. ‘What do you mean?’ There’s a note of sympathy in her voice I might have found sweet, but as soon as I hear it, I hate it.
‘I’m a Fire Pack wolf,’ I begin lamely, ‘who sucks at fire magic. Who prefers the ocean.’
Ella makes a ‘hmm’ sound. ‘Do you think that’s why you’ve been mated with one of our kind?’
I groan. ‘I have no idea. Look, I just—I don’t want to stay up here, losing my mind. I’m bored. What am I supposed to do all day? Wait for Carter to come up here and fuck me?’
Ella—a little younger than me, I now remember—blanches at my blunt language. ‘I—I’m not sure. Perhaps I can bring you something to read?’
‘Better than nothing, I guess.’ I meet her gaze suddenly. ‘So, how do you feel about having me here? Evil Fire pack.’ I wave my fingers in a villainous gesture.
Ella smirks. ‘I don’t mind,’ she says. ‘I have nothing against you.’
For a long moment, I consider confiding in her, asking her advice as I would Moira. I want to ask how I’m supposed to stay here, a prisoner, in a forgotten guest room for the rest of my life, my mate off with his girlfriend. I get a horror flash of me, stuck here, pregnant, ignored until the birth, the babe taken away, me, left here alone.
Sensing my dour thoughts, Ella says, ‘I think a little time to adjust is natural. Things won’t always be this way.’ She comes over to the bed and holds out her hands to see if I’m done with the tray. I keep the coffee, and she stacks up last night’s supper and the breakfast. ‘I’ll bring you something to read today,’ she promises.