I avert my gaze. ‘I know, but I don’t think hiding out here is an option. For now, we need to head out. We’ll grab something to eat on our way.’ I don’t want to rush her. She’s just woken up.
She sits up, her hair a little mussed. ‘Okay. How long do I have?’
‘Quick as you can.’
Katherine nods.
I feel awful. She shouldn’t have to run like this.
‘Give me five minutes.’
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Upon returning to the caves, I immediately notice the fire in Moira’s eyes. She might have been half-joking when she’d told Killian I was in for a butt-kicking, but the anger, the annoyance and hurt in her gaze is real.
Elijah sets a hand on her shoulder. In that moment, I start to believe he is her mate. No one else could brave touching a Fire wolf, much less Moira, when she looks like that.
Killian takes my hand, as though protecting me—which is ridiculous. ‘Moira, I’m sorry.’ My low voice echoes through the cave. ‘I left to protect you. Both of you.’ I half-turn to Killian. ‘All of you.’
Moira storms up to me.
She would never, ever hurt me, but Killian steps in front of me.
‘Move,’ she growls.
Killian holds his ground until I tug him away.
Moira closes the distance between us. Instead of throttling me—verbally, at least—she hugs me, slightly shaking me. ‘What is wrong with you, asshole? We stay together. We protect each other.’
My teeth slightly rattling, I exhale. ‘I know.’ I bury my face in the crook of her shoulder. I look over at the guys who are exchanging puzzled-but-relieved-there-has-been-no-bloodshed looks.
Moira holds me at arm’s length. ‘New rule. We don’t part.’
I huff a tired laugh. ‘That’s always been the rule.’
She smacks my arm gently. ‘Then don’t break it!’
Killian looses a low growl.
‘Oh, shut it,’ Moira snaps over her shoulder. ‘I would sooner die than actually hurt her.’
I wrap her in a hug again, slightly tugging her away from Killian. ‘You’re going to have to be nice to him one day,’ I murmur, too low for the echo to catch.
Moira smirks. ‘Pfft. Says who? I’ll be nice when he deserves it.’
‘I can hear you, you know,’ Killian grouses.
Moira does the super mature thing and flips him off. I watch Elijah try, and fail, to hide a laugh. He looks at Moira as though she’s the sweetest person ever.
I tug Moira by the hand. ‘I need you for a minute.’ I raise my voice to the guys. ‘Why don’t you boys get us some food?’ I glare at Killian and he knows full well that all I’ve had to eat to today is a coffee, which does not count as food.
Moira follows me a little ways into the woods, out of earshot of the guys. ‘What’s up, girl?’
I take a deep breath. With everything going on, I feel… silly, I guess, worrying about this, but it feels important, and if there’s one person on this planet who understands me and won’t judge me, it’s Moira. ‘I don’t… I don’t think Killian’s attracted to me.’
Moira stops in her tracks, with my arm linked in hers, it jars my shoulder. ‘Ow,’ I hiss. ‘What?’