Page 34 of Tide Touched

Either Moira’s already decided, or she, too, has placed her trust in me.

We veer quickly and quietly down the left staircase, then crouch low as voices meet our ears. The railing provides just enough of a wall for us to hide behind while half a dozen Water Pack guards run up the opposite set of stairs, their footfalls heavy.

Moira slowly descends the stairs, still crouched. When she reaches the bottom, she checks both sides, then waves for me to continue. Our luck is holding up so far.

Moira heads for the double-doors of the entrance, and a clatter tells me it is still guarded. I pull Katherine closer as Moira’s flames light up the foyer and she knocks out both Water wolves. She kicks the doors down and runs into the night.

My mouth kicks into a small smile. ‘Makes sense she’s your friend.’ Without thinking, I press a soft kiss to Katherine’s forehead. ‘You’re safe now.’ I cross the threshold with her tucked against me, hoping the smoke isn’t searing her insides.

We’ve been running for what must be an hour, though the moon is covered by clouds, so I can’t tell for sure. My legs are burning, my muscles starting to ache. In my arms, Katherine is still and quiet.

Moira finally slows. ‘We need to rest.’ She takes a deep, haggard breath, resting her hands on her knees. ‘Suddenly grateful for all that running on the beach Katie made me do.’

We’ve run through the woods and come to a stop in a clearing that gives way to a small beach. Hopefully the smoke, the woods, and the fresh water will help mask our scents, confusing any who might follow.

I set Katherine down carefully, cradling her head. There are bruises on her face I keep staring at. The slight bump on her nose, still healing, as though someone broke it.

‘Someone’s beaten her.’ Moira kneels to her friend.

‘I’m going to kill Carter.’ I brush Katherine’s hair back from her face.

Moira doesn’t object. She takes a few deep breaths. ‘We need fresh water.’ Her chest is rising and falling, partly from the running, partly from anger by the murderous gleam in her eye. ‘Watch her,’ Moira says. ‘I think I can smell a stream nearby.’

I sit beside Katherine. ‘Of course I will.’ I find myself stroking her hair like that, to comfort myself or her, I couldn’t say.

I left my men back there. That puts them in an awkward position, but hopefully the Water alpha will grant them leniency for not aiding me.

‘Katherine? Can you hear me?’

I wonder if she knew who the shell came from. If she cared. If it gave her a momentary reprieve from the misery of her prison. If she remembered the one I gave her before.

Looking down at her in the dim glow of the moon, I shake my head, anger momentarily replaced by hurt. ‘Anyone who could do this to you, or let it happen to you, isn’t your mate. I don’t care what the Tide Witches say.’ The back of my throat burns. ‘I’ll protect you.’ I stifle a rough laugh. ‘Not that you need me to, hmm? You set that fire on purpose, didn’t you?’ There are no burns on her. Just swaths of dust and charcoal. She knew someone would come and get her out. My lips kick up in a smile, and I thank the stars it was me who scooped her up off the floor.

Katherine’s chest stutters. A wheeze escapes her lips.

‘Katherine?’ I sit over her. She can’t breathe. Damn it. I lean over her. ‘Okay, I’m sorry about this. I swear I would ask first if I could.’ I lean over and press my lips to hers, blowing air into her mouth to clear her airway. I should have done this before, but I thought she would recover on her own. Holding her nose, I take a breath, then press it into her mouth.

Something tightens in my gut, around my chest. The same thing that told me something was wrong when I first saw the smoke.

‘Come on.’ I do it again. ‘Breathe, damn it.’

Katherine’s eyes fly open, and she sits up, headbutting me in the nose. ‘Ow!’ She claps a hand to her head. I wince at the blood flowing from my nose. But that’s not why we stop and stare at each other.

That something in my chest, my gut. Explodes. Snaps. Shatters. I press a hand to my heart, just as Katherine does.

‘What…?’ Katherine coughs, her gaze intense on mine. ‘What is that?’

I don’t have to ask. I know. I’ve always known. ‘Are you okay?’ I reach out for her, to touch her cheek, stroke her hair.

She flinches.

Flinches from me.

I yank my hand back. ‘I’m sorry. I really am. There was smoke, and you weren’t breathing—’

‘You kissed me.’

‘Well, I mean, I gave you mouth to mouth—’