‘We don’t know,’ I say. ‘She just turned twenty last month, then the full moon came. Carter and a few other Water Pack were visiting, and they bonded. It looked real to me. The way they moved to each other. Let me tell you, Carter’s girlfriend was not happy about it. Then they just… took her home with them. She didn’t want to go. She fought them.’ Anger deepens my voice. ‘I don’t know what she feels for him, but I have to—’ I stop myself before I reveal what feels to be too much. ‘I have an obligation to make sure one of my wolves is alright,’ I finish.
Elijah gives me a look. ‘I see. Well, shall we carry on?’
Moira holds up a hand. ‘I want to make something clear. To all of you. Katie isn’t some damsel in distress. She can take care of herself. In fact, she would hate the idea of being “rescued” at all. But I will burn that estate to the ground if I have to. She is a sister to me. I’m not going there to check on her. She doesn’t belong there. I’m leaving with her, and none of you had better get in my way, got it?’
Elijah can’t take his eyes off her. I can smell his arousal. Ew.
I nod, hiding a smile. Katherine couldn’t ask for a more loyal friend, it seems.
Chapter Fifteen
When I wake in the middle of the night, I’m not surprised to find Carter gone. Though we fell asleep together, I knew he wouldn’t stay. How could he? He has Courtney waiting for him.
A stab of loneliness twists in my gut as I stare wistfully at the undoubtedly locked door. Did Carter feel a twinge of guilt as he turned the key when he snuck out of my bed tonight?
As I toss and turn in the bed, a groan escapes my lips. I desperately wish I could climb out of bed and go down to the beach. It’s always calmed me, being so close to the waves. Staring out at the ocean, watching the tide come in and out, always gave me a sense of peace that I can’t find anywhere else.
I sit up, angrily tossing my covers back. I didn’t expect this. To have a mate, and yet feel so alone. I stare out my window as tears fill my eyes. I want to howl into the night. To break the window. To—to do something. I wish I knew where Moira was. I miss her so much. What I wouldn’t give to wrap my arms around her again.
I miss my home, as flawed as it was.
I think about the beach, about Killian running across the shore, shirtless. About how he’d knelt before me the day I got my wolf, and so unexpectedly gifted me a beautiful shell. My hands clench into fists on the windowsill, the night breeze tickling my face.
I just want something familiar. A friendly face.
I pick up one of the books and take it back to bed with me. I prop it open and eventually fall asleep.
Chapter Sixteen
We have been accepted as guests by the Water Pack alpha. Only the Earth Pack wolf stayed behind to keep an eye out. Elijah wouldn’t be welcome. Me, my four men, and Moira share one large room with branched off smaller bedrooms. I don’t waste a minute in the guest quarters, instead seeking out Katherine.
I note every entrance and exit, and make sure to keep a relaxed and open posture as I pass the guards. Everyone here is blond. Weird. The guards nod stiffly at me, and I know it’s only because I’m the alpha’s son.
I watch with curious eyes as a young (blonde) woman in a navy-blue dress carries a tray of food. I thumb the shell in my pocket. On the last trek here, we came across a beach. When the others were sleeping, I went. It reminded me of the beach back home. Where I would run, every day, often twice a day, just for the chance to see Katherine. I picked up a pink shell similar to the one I already gave her. This one is smaller, paler.
I watch the maidservant knock, hiding behind a pillar. My body goes taut when I hear Katherine’s voice call out, ‘Come in.’ She’s here! I found her!
I watch the blonde woman enter, then exit a minute later. As she passes me, I grab her and haul her out of sight of any guards.
She’s young, and her bright blue eyes widen. ‘What—?’
‘Sorry,’ I say quickly. ‘Is Katherine in that room?’ I point to where she just left. I have to know for sure. ‘Is she hurt?’
The maid stutters. ‘Ka—Katie. Yes, Katherine. She’s in there. You—’ She takes me in. ‘You’re Fire Pack.’ By the look on her face, she’s never seen one of my kind before. Other than Katherine. ‘You’re guests here, aren’t you?’ She takes a wary step back.
I raise my hands. ‘I won’t hurt you. I just needed to speak to you. Look, Katherine was brought here against her will. She doesn’t know I’m here.’ I take the shell from my pocket and press it into the young woman’s hand. ‘Please. Please give this to her—’
Suddenly, her eyes widen, and she shakes her head moments before a patrol passes. She snaps her hands behind her back, the shell hidden in her palms. The guards glance at us, slowing.
I meet her gaze, and realise I need to go. I nod to the guards, and head back to my guest chambers, cursing to myself. I never got to give her my name.
Chapter Seventeen