I blink. Silver-haired woman. Like Zenna. Black-haired. Like me.
‘Drusilla came to congratulate us. There had never been wolf pups before.’ Alaric’s gaze travels to Reagan, pinned to the tree. He nods, and I scramble to my feet and free Reagan, holding him close, under my four legs. I lick the back of his head, trying to calm him. He’s shaking, but otherwise unharmed. ‘She killed every silver wolf.’ Alaric’s voice trembles with fury. ‘My first pups. She left me and my mate one.’ The Origin lowers himself to the ground, far too close for comfort. ‘A black-furred pup, a little like you.’
My stomach turns violently. ‘I’m so sorry.’
‘Is he yours?’ Alaric’s gaze finds Reagan.
My cousin’s boy whimpers, crouching low to the ground.
‘No. But he is family. Why did you tie him up?’ I can’t hold back the anger in my voice. ‘And attack my Second?’
Vale’s shoulder, a few minutes ago torn wide, is slowly stitching itself back together.
Alaric gives a disgruntled noise. ‘The pup—he surprised me. I haven’t had a pup in a very, very long time. I didn’t want… him too close. And your Second got in my way.’
I nuzzle Reagan’s head, trying to reassure him. ‘Alaric, I am so, so sorry for what Drusilla did. That—I could never forgive that.’
His eyes flare. ‘I have not.’
‘There are more pups who need your help,’ I say. ‘Ones who will die by your sister’s hand if you don’t come with us.’
Reagan whimpers, pressing himself against me, wary of Alaric’s wrath.
I lower my body over him, keeping him enclosed.
Alaric looks about ready to tear my head off, but remains still. He stares at each of us. ‘What is your name, black wolf?’
‘I’m Mordecai. Cai, to my mate. She, too, is a silver-haired woman,’ I add.
Alaric blinks. Something like softness overcomes him. ‘A wolf?’
‘No, a hybrid, actually. Witch-fae.’
A rumble of interest. ‘Unusual.’ He lays down on all four legs, leaning close. ‘Little pup, come closer.’
Reagan stills. I look down at him and give a nod.
Noah and Lexie’s kid is only twelve years old. Never seen any danger other than a high drop from a waterfall in his camp. He’s been through too much already on this adventure, and I’m wishing for the thousandth time I hadn’t been stupid enough to let him come.
I stare at Alaric. ‘What for?’
‘Let the pup decide,’ he says.
Reagan nuzzles into me. Then growls and pounces forward, toward Alaric.
In human form, I would clap a hand over my face in horror, barely able to watch. Oh, no. Please don’t growl at him.
Alaric just gives a hearty chuckle. He raises a paw—ten times bigger than Reagan—and gently swipes out at him. Playfully. He’s playing with him, I realise.
Reagan ducks, and attacks his side, growling.
Alaric’s dark eyes light with amusement. He lowers his head to the pup and gives him a lick, which sends Reagan tumbling over. ‘Sorry, little pup.’ Alaric turns to me. ‘Your ilk are brave. You’re an alpha, aren’t you?’
‘Yes, I am.’
Alaric bows his head. ‘One alpha to another, I will protect you.’ Without warning, he tilts his head back and gives a great howl that cracks the trees around us, the sound crashing through my head.
Chapter Twenty-Six